Chapter 2: The Brothers Three

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  What on earth was going on! My two dead brothers, my exiled father-in-law, my dead ex-best friend, all of them standing in front of Jude and me. Along with that were two sister-in-laws staring slack jawed at us for some reason. Watching my wife's face turn pale was not fun.

  I took her waist in and placed a hand to protect her belly. The other went to reach for the dagger that The Roach had trained me with. Jude on the other hand grabbed Nightfell from the blanket on the ground.

  3 years since her coronation. Many more since they had all been killed or exiled. What the hell was happening?

  I was staring at my brother protect that mortal wench. I thought he hated her! I punish him and he still decides to side with that girl. He was going to get it.

  I saw Jude and my youngest brother. Why were they together? Why were they both protecting her belly? If she had betrayed me, she would pay for it. I opened my mouth to ask something but was cut off by Liliver walking into the scene.

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