Q and A i guess

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Am bored so i thought it will be fun to have some q/a.

Thank you -Friendo- for giving me questions to answer!!!! :D

what type of music do you listen to?

A: alot of types of music. I love it a lot of
songs- except inappropriate songs

Q:What is your favourite content genre?

A: Science fiction, action, can musical be considered?

Q: What is your dream job?

A: I wanna be an artist and an animator 😁

Q:If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A:Hmmm maybe Europe and other places in Asia.

Q:Are you a cat or dog person?


Q:Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

A: maybe. Otherwise i will accept my fate of being a walking corpse

Q:Is a hotdog a sandwich?

A: I think so. Hmmm.

Q: What is the most annoying song you've heard?

A: chipmunk music. They're annoying.

Questions taken from a question generator:

What is your favourite baked good?
Hmmm i think its donu

What is your age?
time for an age reveal i guess
I'm 13 turning 14 this year.

What is your earliest memories?
A: i almost burnt my toast

Who was your favorite teacher and why?
A: i love all my teachers. They are funny lol.
Short story:
During a quiz, my teacher said write the name of your crush if the answer is true and write i love you if the answer is false. That was funny.

Mountains or ocean?
A: mountains. Im afraid of the ocean.

If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would you want it to be?
A: my phone

In your group of friends, what role do you play?
A: the quiet and talkative one

If you had to pick a single word to describe this year so far, what would it be?
A: so far good for now....

Have you ever broken a bone?
A: nope.

What did you eat for breakfast?
A: my almost burnt toast

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
A: yes. We open presents then in the morning or afternoon we go to church.

How long did it take for you to come up with your current signature?
A: to this day i still have no signature

What piece of art has had a large impact on you?
A: idk. I have a lot.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A: i hope as an artist and animator

What sound will instantly melt your heart?
A: music and laughter

What is the last big goal you accomplished?
A: art?

When you're by yourself, what do you usually think about?
A: my life. Also why i keep making my toast burn.

Who is someone you recently thought about that you haven't seen or talked to in years?
A: my cousins in the U.S. its been a long time since i saw them. I miss them.

What mode of transportation have you never tried?
A: motorcycle 🏍️

What is the best TV show of all time?
A: bluey... I know its for little kids but i love bluey okay? Dont judge me!!!! But i usually watch youtube.

What is something you are looking forward to?
A: improving my art.

Welp that's all thanks for reading!!!

Welp that's all thanks for reading!!!:D

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