Angela - I'm with Lori on this one, we're here to have fun and for some self care of course

Lori - Amen to that

Fatima - What is your idea of self care?

Andi - Lots and lots of sex

Fatima - mmm that part I highly recommend that

Andi - girl we know you do, you and Zac be cutting it up all the damn time

Angela - right, don't even care where ya'll at or who's even around, can't stand ya'll nasty asses

Fatima - sorry I can't help my man be throwing it down and blowing my back out

Angela - meanwhile the last date I went on complete disaster

Lori- give us the tea

Angela - Tell me why this nigga gives me an address to drive to and naive little me thought you know I'm going to pull up and then he's going to drive us to the restaurant and then he'll bring me back to my car but now this man had me drive all the way to his house so that I could drive us to the restaurant can you imagine? So I get there and he gets in the car and he starts giving me directions to the restaurant I'm a little annoyed at this point but he's fine and I ain't had none in a minute so I choose to ignore it, we get to the restaurants and I am looking over what to order and this man keeps on insisting I order off the specials menu so I tell him no I don't really feel like eating that I want lobster so I order me a lobster, and this man is complaining that entire time about how much lobster costs only for the bill to come, and he asked me to split it anyway, like sir you help me drive to get you and I have to pay my own dinner as well going down at what point are you going to do something for me? Anyway safe to say I have not called him back nor is there going to be a second day.

Fatima - oh girl no

Andi - whew chile the ghetto

Lori - I know you fucking lying

Angela - we are scrapping the bottom of the barrel in these streets

Fatima - that is the truth

Angela - uhm no ma'am you are no longer qualified to speak on these matters

Fatima - why not?

Andi - cause you got Zac

Fatima - yea and he is the exception, not the standard

Angela - true dat. You sure he doesn't have any brothers? Or male relatives at this point cause shit

They all laugh

Lori - speaking of Zac how did you two meet?

His and Her RulesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя