Part 10

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They all drank their drinks before carrying on with their little challenge until lunch rolled around and sure enough Sanzu had to pay. They sit there talking "hey can I ask you something?" She looks at Ran who's across from her, he hums in response "what would happen if Izana disappears?" This surprises the boy but he goes into thinking before speaking "I guess it goes to hes partner or the one next in line witch would be Kaku, why do you ask?" She looks away out the window "no reason at all" he was about to push but Sanzu and with hes arms full off food "enjoy guys" he sits down before stuffing hes face, Takemichi turns and starts eating while Ran just stares at her 'hmmm seems fishy if I do say so myself' he thought but he would just tell Izana later.

Thy finished and just had a walk before heading back, Takemichi smiles before running to Izana's office and slamming the door open to see papers and people everywhere but luckily it's just the guys. "Hey Izana, look what I got" she basically skips over to the clearly busy guy and holding out a cute bunny "mhm yeah amazing" he says not even looking up from hes papers before speaking to the guys, she slowly pulls the bunny close to her chest and just watches how he ignores her. This lasts for a good few days, she tries everything in her power to get hes attention but it ain't working and Kaku just watches on confused and sad about what's happening well until one day she snaps and says the one thing she shouldn't have.

She walks into hes already busy office wearing a short skirt, off the shoulder corset top and some heels. He ignores everyone and darts right for him but stops in her tracks as she sees the bunny she gave him on the floor and dirty, she walks over to it and picks it up as rage bubbles up in her chest and before she knew it she said "I cheated on you" everyone froze even Izana himself before he looked her way "what" her rage boils even more as she holds the bunny tighter "Oh so you pay attention to me after I say some shit like that huh" she stands her ground only to see anger in he's face, he stands but doesn't move from hes desk "oh so that's why your dressed like a hooker, what gonna go shag some random dude huh" he spits venom, her eyes widen as tears prick her eyes. Kaku and everyone else is just as shocked.

" hats how you see me" she looks at the ground as tears fall, he doesn't say anything clearly sticking by what he said so she looks up, eyes full off rage but tears fall "FINE, IF THATS WHAT YOU THINK THEN FUCK YOU" she throws the bunny at him before storming to the door, he catches it and looks at the dirty bunny before looking back up at her. She opens the door but stops "and stay away from me, we are over" she then leaves, slamming the door behind her. Everyone looks at the shocked Izana "what...why would she say that WHEN SHES THE ONE WHO CHEATED" he yells as he ripped the bunny's head off "BOSS" Kaku yells catching hes attention, he glared at hes friend who isn't too happy "you crossed the line Izana, no not crossed it you destroyed it and it won't ever be fixed".

Izana's rage boils over "ME, SHE CHE- NO SHE DIDNT" he yells back, Izana is taken back "excuse me what?" Kaku balls hes hands into fists "she never cheated, she's tried all week to get your attention but not just that you threw the gift she got you on the floor and know look at it" he pointed to the headless bunny in he's friends hands, he looked down before looking back at Kaku "but worst off all you forgot your one week anniversary, news flash it's today" Izana's face paled "she came to get you cause she's been planning it all week but you brushed her off, she dressed like that to please you even if she felt uncomfortable and you made her feel like shit"  he has to leave after that or else he would have done something he regretted.

Izana panicked and looked down at the bunny he just ripped infront off Takemichi "shit, no no no I can fix this, I can I just need a needle and thread" he looks up at hes gang, fighting tears "SOMEONE GET ME A NEEDLE AND THREAD KNOW" everyone ran around to find it but it was too late, everything has fallen apart and Takemichi was gone. She was wondering around as tears filled her eyes before falling to the ground "WHY, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS?" She yelled while getting weird stares well that was until she saw someone's feet, she slowly looks up to see "Kisaki..." she says as he holds a hand out for her, she grabs it and stands as more tears fall down her face "awww it's ok Takemichi, I know all these men don't understand you" he slowly pulls her into hes chest before whispering "but I do, so don't worry about a thing and leave it all to me".

She nodes into hes chest as he stokes her head, he takes her too a small park witch was mostly empty and sits her on a bench, stroking her sleepy cheek "don't worry wild flower, I will kill them all, no one messes with my cousin and gets away with it" and with that she falls asleep. Minute's later a figure turns up behind Kisaki "you asked for me?" "Yes, I want you to protect this girl with your life. She's the only family member who actually cares for me and I won't loose her to some fucking morons who don't know how to treasure her" the figure nodes before looking at the sleeping girl.

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