𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 ... 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒

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It was night fall, the two teens had sanded the floor, breathing in, and breathing out. Mr. Miyagi walked out of the dojo. "Hmm, very good Daniel-san and Rebecca-san. Splinter all gone." Mr. Miyagi said

"Yeah." Daniel and Rebecca both said

"We're finished." Daniel said as he and Rebecca both stood up. "Mr. Miyagi. We're beat. Our shoulders."

"Good." Mr. Miyagi nodded. "Go home. Get rest. Come morning. Start early. 6:00."

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Daniel and Rebecca arrived at Mr. Miyagi's house. When they arrived, they saw Mr. Miyagi sitting on his knees holding chopsticks in his hand, they realized he was trying to catch the fly.

"Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything." Mr. Miyagi said

"You ever catch one?" Daniel asked

"Not yet." Mr. Miyagi said

"Can I try?" Daniel asked

"If wish." Mr. Miyagi said

Daniel and Rebecca sat with Mr. Miyagi, and he grabbed a couple of chopsticks and the brunette watched as they both tried to catch the fly. Pretty soon, Daniel caught the fly. "Hey, hey, hey, Mr. Miyagi, look! Look!" Daniel said excitedly

Mr. Miyagi stood up and walked outside. Not before stopping at the door and looking at Daniel. "You beginner luck." Mr. Miyagi said

"Yeah, I guess that mean I can accomplish anything." Daniel said as he, Rebecca and Mr. Miyagi walked into to the back yard. "Eh, Mr. Miyagi?"

"Hai." Mr. Miyagi said, and Rebecca just shook her head.

"No sweat." Daniel said

"But first you accomplish paint fence." Mr. Miyagi said as he gave both Daniel and Rebecca a bucket of paint and a paint brush.

"All in wrist. Wrist up, wrist down. Wrist. All in wrist. Up. Down. Long stroke. Up. Down." Mr. Miyagi said. Daniel looked at Mr. Miyagi. "No look me. Look fence. Eh, up, down. Good. Bend wrist. Down stroke, both you bend, okay." Rebecca and Daniel did as Mr. Miyagi said, getting the hang of his technique. It was definitely different from her painting. "Ah good. Long stroke. Up, down. Very good. Knee, bend the knee. Come down. Hai, up. Hai. Very good, Daniel-san, and Rebecca-san. Don't forget to breathe. In. Out. Up, down."

As the two continued to paint, Mr. Miyagi brought more paint. "Ah. Very good Daniel-san and Rebecca-san." Mr. Miyagi said as he brought the buckets of paint for the two teens. "Up, down. Up, down. Uh, small board, left hand. Big board, right hand."

"But we're almost done." Daniel said

"Whole fence." Mr. Miyagi said, as he gestured to the fence. "Big board, right hand. Small board, left hand."

When it was nightfall, Daniel and Rebecca finished painting the fence, and her shoulder was very tender, but she wasn't one to complain.

"Hai, Daniel-san and Rebecca-san, very good job." Mr. Miyagi said. "Come morning start early."

"Daniel, wait out front for me." Rebecca said, to which Daniel nodded and left

"Mr. Miyagi?" Rebecca said, getting Mr. Miyagi's attention

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 || Bobby Brown Where stories live. Discover now