"Hush." She huffed.

"Ow—" She grabbed her queue back from her mother's grasp.

"He's stupid." Matahari softly giggled.


4 Hours later and the Nā pilikia had ended, Lahar did awful.

"Lahar." Palhar whacked his shoulder as he entered the hut.

"It's his first papa." Lei hissed slightly, rubbing Lahar's back.

"Mmh." Palhar scrunched his nose, he gave his wife an annoyed look. Eta'yla rolled her eyes at her uptight husband.

"He's 14. Young." Eta'yla whispered, pecking his cheek.

Lahar and Lei entered Matahari's room, "What was that?" Matahari grimaced, half jokingly.

Lahar and Lei settled down, "I got nervous." He sighed while plopping down on a chair like structure.

"Nervous is an understatement." Lei sneered, resting next to her brother. Lei and Lahar were much closer than Matahari was with either of them, Matahari being 19 played a large part.

"Papa is angry—" She shot them an annoyed glare.

"He will get over it." Lei interrupted her. Lahar looked at Lei, she knew he was worried.

"You're okay." She whispered to him.

"When Nā pilikia really reflects onto you, you'll understand." Matahari warned her younger siblings, laying her head down on her hammock and closing her eyes.


Night soon approached, and Lei was itching for a late night hunt. She quietly took her mother's bow from her room, slowly but successfully escaping her home.

Lei positioned her bow and quiver across her left shoulder, quickly walking through her villages's paths. A mischievous grin creeped onto Lei's face when she noticed Awani's hut.


She made a signature sound that her and Awani agreed to being their call a multitude of times.

The call was not returned, there was silence inside of the hut. Lei pursed her lips thwartly while staring at the wall of Awani's hut.

"The hell?" Neteyam quietly snickered while peaking his head from around the corner.

Lei quickly turnt her head, she smiled. "What're you doing out here, blue?" She had developed a nick name for him.

"You woke me up." He approached closer, adjusting his vision to the darkness. Their eyes were largely contrasted. Neteyam's were a lively green, Lei's deep amber eyes almost seemed fluorescent in the dark.

"Well you're already out here. Come with me?" She cocked her head towards the jungle.

He noticed the bow behind her shoulder, "Are you sure?" He referred to the Lakay'na.

Lei responded with a reassuring nod, beginning to make her way into the jungle.

Neteyam rubbed his neck before following behind Lei.


Lei and Neteyam were perched on a low tree branch, Lei was positioned on her stomach with her bow in her right hand. She held an arrow in her left, she awaited for any small creature to pass by.

Neteyam was sat upright next to her, constantly gazing around and searching for any threats. He leant his head and back on the trunk of the tree. Neteyam couldn't help but study Lei's body, but he was sure to avoid any "gross" thoughts.

"We've been here for an hour, Lei." Neteyam rubbed his eyes, yawning.

"You're tired?" She whispered, looking back at him.

"No, I mean— yeah. But—"

She shook her head, laughing quietly. "I can accompany you back." She began pulling herself up.

"We can wait a little longer." He offered, he didn't mind sleeping in a tree for a while.

"Sure?" She paused.

"Mhm, lay back down." He yawned, resting his head on the trunk of the tree.

Lei nodded, then laying back down.

10 Minutes passed, before Lei heard rustling. She tapped Neteyam's leg, pointing at the ground.

A young Sluik slowly walked under the tree, it's mother following close behind. Neteyam sat up, slowly laying down next to Lei to watch the animals.

Lei slid the arrow back into her quiver and laid her bow on the tree branch.

"Good omen." She whispered to the other Navi, gazing at the pair of animals.

Neteyam was obviously worried, "Breathe." Lei rubbed his shoulder gently.

He calmed down soon after and he eventually dozed off, Neteyam's head rested on Lei's shoulder.


Lei nodded awake, she blinked numerous times before realizing the situation she was in.

"Neteyam— hurry. Get up." She shook him awake.

Lei gathered her bow and quiver and Neteyam groaned softly.

"Hmm.." He rolled onto his back.

"Get up you— ugh, come on." Lei held her tongue, she assisted him upwards by grabbing his forearm.

"It's almost sun rise. We could be skinned if we're not back soon." Lei jumped down onto the soft foliage.

Neteyam began to wake up, catching onto Lei's objective.

The two teens eventually made the trip to their home's before sunrise.


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