The Beginning

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Thunder boomed over the island of Tortuga as a boy of 14 staggered through the wind and rain towards the nearby inn. Pushing open the door, he was embraced by the warmth and the feeling of protection the building offered.

Sadly for the boy, that feeling didn't last long. The inn was full of pirates, some drinking some asleep on tables , some playing cards gambling away what little wealth they had, and some fighting amounts themselves.

Those awake turned to look at the new arrival, making him feel very uncomfortable. Laugher started up from the nearby tables.

"Are you lost?" One asks.

"We'll help you find your way," another added.

A big pirate walked up to the boy. "What brings you to this inn?" He asks. The man's breath smelled, and the boy wrinkled his noise in disgust.

"I just need a place to shelter from the storm," the boy answers.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, sir,"

"Well, this bar is for pirates only," the big pirate says before kicking the boy square in the chest and propelling him across the room, where he crashed into some barrels of ale and lay winded. "And you don't look like one!" The boy heard a click and sat up to see a pistol aimed at him. This was it the boy thought; he'd never find out what happened to his parents.

Before the large pirate could fire, though, a shot rang out in hit him square in the chest!

"Nobody touches the boy! Savvy?" a voice shouted.

The boy and the entire bar in looked in the direction from where the shot came and saw a man dressed in a brown three-cornered hat, with a red bed bandana, beads in his dreadlock hair and a brown jacket over a white shirt.

"I'm Jack Sparrow," he said to the boy while replacing his flintlock in its holster. "Captain Jack Sparrow, to be precise. What's your name?"

"Y/N L/N sir."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. "Now, given that I've just saved your life, how about you tell me what you're really doing here."

"The ship I was on was wrecked on the rocks, and the crew was lost, and I can't find my parents. The storm washed my ashore on a piece of driftwood and made my way here, thinking the same might have happened to them."

"So you're without a crew?"


"Well, it's your lucky day, I'm in need of a crew as well, and you're exactly what I need in a co-captain. You might be a little young, but start now by the time you're eighteen. You'll be as good as anyone ten years your senior. What say you?"

Y/N pondered this for a few moments. He was alone with no sign of his parents. This man had saved his life and imminently taken him under his wing like an older brother. He didn't know if he fully trusted him, but going with him and sailing the sea in search of treasure was a lot better than staying here.

"Yes, sir." Y/N said.

"Enough with the sirs." Jack said. "We're co-captains now, it's jack or captain, got it?"


"And it's aye, not yes. Aye?"


"In which case," Jack said, flashing Y/N a toothy grin, "let's go commandeer a ship co-captain."

Together, they leave the inn and run down the near empty streets of Tortuga towards the docks. The storm was clearing up, and three ships were ready to make sail. Their white sails flapped in the wind like horses ready to run at the start of a race.

Jack leads Y/N towards a ship named The Hind, pausing behind some rocks as her Captain steps off the gangplank and walks down the dock ready to greet his returning crew. The duo take their chance and board the vessel, Y/N pulling the gangplank up after him and Jack cutting the moorings loose with his sword before running to the helm. Y/N joins him as the wind slowly begins to move the ship away from the dock.

"OI! THEY'RE STEALING MY SHIP! GET OFF THERE NOW!" Y/N turns and sees the former captain of The Hind shouting at him before raising his flintlock and firing. The musket shot smashes a lamp next to Y/N as the ship, as the wind takes nearer the open sea. The next shot falls well short of its mark and hits the water.

"Thank you, Captain, for getting us ready to make way! We'd've had a hard time of it by ourselves!" Y/N goads him as the ship finally reaches the open sea.

"Where to?" He turns to Jack, who's already consulting his compass for a heading.

"Wherever the compass leads us Y/N. I must never betray it." Jack says.

"And if you do?"

"Then someone very bad will kill every pirate who sails the seas."

"Who?" Y/N asks, wanting to know more.

However, Jack has already turned away gazing at the open ocean humming, "Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate's life for me" to himself.

Y/N stands next to him as Tortuga fades away into the distance, marking the beginning of the tale of The Sea Serpent.

A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first Wattpad story, so any feedback would be appreciated. I've only seen one Pirates of the Caribbean x Male Reader book, written by FriendlyFireM098, which is where the idea for this book came from. I highly suggest you read his as well since it's excellent.

I'll be sticking to canon as much as possible, but there will obviously be some new scenes because Y/N is in the book.

I don't have a set upload schedule, so please be patient with me.

Be sure to vote in the poll for the love interest, and I'll see you next time for the start of The Curse of the Black Pearl.

The Sea Serpent (Pirates of the Caribbean x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now