Tricking my elder sister (short story)

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As soon as Asima sensed a large aura is coming towards her, she transformed to her child form. She uses this form when she wanted to relax. This form is not fighting oriented. But then, why she transformed to such form ? Because she sensed something familiar with that person. So she deduced her identity as the first dragonoid. So as the second dragonoid, she will be her younger sister.
She didn't wait long when Milim landed infront of her with a loud crash, creating a carter in the process.
"Hello! I am the lone dragonoid, the demon lord Milim Nava noda."

But suddenly Milim heard the crying of a child. When the dust cleared she saw a blondie cute dragonoid is crying infront of her. She panicked. Milim, first time in millennium, panicked.
"Sob...sob...sob ! Big sister didn't recognise me as a dragonoid sob...sob."
"Whaa ! No no ! please don't cry. Hey what's your name ? "
"Asima Tempest. My daddy is storm dragon Veldora. Sob..."
"Ok ! I am not alone anymore ! I have a little sister ! Hey Asima ! Call me big sister again."
"Big sister!" Asima cutely said.
"Ahhh !"
"Comeon ! Let's go! I have to introduce to you to others !"
"Big sister, can you wait a few years , please ." Asima gave her puppy dog eyes.
"Why ?"
"I want to free dad ! But before that, I don't want any attaintions. Please 🥺!"
"But you are already strong enough to break the seal !"
"But I have a idea how to stop dad from causing havoc. I don't want him to get sealed again. And I have planned to release him after my idea works."
Milim looked thoughtful.
"O-okay. But after a hundred years, I will show you to everybody ! And you have to play with me every time we meet."
"Okay. Then how about we go to my house ! I have some cream puffs in my house."
"Yes ! I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Then let's go."
'it seems my trip to east have to wait for a while.'

Reincarnated as Veldora's daughter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora