Am I Bothering You?

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It has been 2 days since i last saw him. I knew i needed to find him again. But i just didn't know how. When i bumped into him, his eyes made me forget everything. I didn't even know if he was a real person or not since 2 days ago but now i know. What i now don't know is how am i going to find him again. And even if i do find him. What am i going to do? I can't just go like "Oh hey. You've been in my dreams for a while now can you please not?" 

He probably doesn't even know he's in my dreams. 

I got wasted the night i saw him like i planned to. When Terrance came home ,sober because he needed to drive his friends home, he was mad at me for being irresponsible and making a mess. But i wasn't in my right mind so i didn't listen to what he was saying. The next morning he didn't say anything about me and simply gave me painkillers for my hangover. 

I sighed and let myself fall on my back on the bed. I didn't know what to do and it was overwhelming me. my eyes teared and i tried to hold them back. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

Terrance peeked his head in and looked at me. He had pity in his eyes, this made me mad but i didn't do anything so i wouldn't act wrong.

"Oh Mike."

I wiped my eyes and sat up. He walked over and sat beside me with his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine"

He didn't believe me one bit and i knew it. I looked away to not make eye contact. I didn't know if i can handle eye contact right now and he must have sensed it because he didn't force me to.

"What's wrong? You know you can talk to me right?"

I knew i could talk to him but i just didn't know how to express my feelings and i knew he also knew it.

"I know i'm just overwhelmed i guess."

He squeezed my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. Even though sometimes his presence made me angry right now it was peaceful and i was grateful for it.

"I think i need some fresh air." 

I gave him a smile back and stood up.

The weather was nice for a summer night. Not too hot not too cold. Just the way i like it. I had my headphones on and was taking a walk on the beach near my house. I always liked beaches and now it was helping me take my mind off things.

I walked and walked for hours with music blasting in my ears. But I grew tired and looked for a place to sit down before i go back home. A bench caught my eye in the distance and I walked to it slowly. I was taking my time to do things.

I sat on the bench and leaned back so my view caught the full moon that was present tonight. My music was giving the atmosphere a nice vibe and the moon was just making it better. 

I was watching the moon until my view was disturbed by someone. I couldn't see them properly but they were standing right in front of me and very close. I took off my headphones. They didn't talk but they waved instead. 

When I could finally see them I remembered him instantly. It was the red head from the store and the one from my dreams. I tensed up real fast but tried not to show it. 

"Hello! Sorry if I bothered you I jut saw you and wanted to say hi." 

He wasn't bothering me. No, not at all.

"Oh, no no, it's no problem for me. Wanna sit down?"

He looked really calm and handsome from my sight. but I wasn't going to tell him that of course.

"Well, would you mind if I do?"

No, please just sit down, I beg you.

"No, of course not!"

He sat down next to me and as I could see he was making sure none of our body parts touched. I don't know why I feel this way but I would beg for him to touch me right now. No, it doesn't have to be in a sexual way.

"What are you doing here this late at night?"

I hear him ask. I didn't know how to answer to that. I couldn't tell him the truth. Oh yeah you've been in my dreams for like the past months and now that I found you I don't want to lose you because I'm curious what this is all about and I'm overwhelmed by this.

Yeah, no way I'm saying this.

"I don't know, I was just bored and wanted to get my mind off of things a little bit I guess."

He smiled and I'm not even kidding it warmed my heart. 

"What's your name?"

I could've forgotten my name right here and there because his voice was making me go really warm. So I looked down to avoid him.


I should've asked for his name but I couldn't bring myself to talk.

"That's a cool name, I'm Noah. Can I call you Mike?"

Please call me Mike.

"Yeah sure." 

I looked up to see he was smiling at me. So I smiled back. We were both out of words and I didn't know how to get out of this situation. Normally I'm never out of things to talk about. I always find something. But no. I'm totally out of subjects.

"Do you work?"

He leaned back on the bench 

"Yeah I do. Maybe you've heard about it, there is a pizzeria nearby. I work there it's actually was our dad's but then he went missing and now is accepted as dead so it's on me and my twin brother now."

I turned to my right and looked at Noah. It's safe to say that he was shocked because he was looking at me trying to find something to say. There was a silence between us for the next few seconds and finally he decided to say something.

"How did you manage to say it like it was nothing."

Well I'm not going to explain the whole thing to him of course but...

"Well, my dad was a total jerk to both of us, when he went missing we weren't that sad, just a little young but not as much to not be able to take care of each other. My brother mostly took care of me his protective instincts is way stronger than mine."

There was another few seconds of silence again.

"He probably got it from my mother." 

I whispered to myself but as I can see on his face he also probably heard it. He turned to face forward and away from me probably thinking of something to say.

"Well my parents also abandoned me."

Okay, now it was my turn to be shocked. I wanted to ask why but I didn't know if it would be too much for him. I didn't have to ask though, because he started talking.

"I was 12 years old when I slowly started to realize I was into boys. And when I was 13 I decided to tell it to my parents thinking that they would approve me. Bad bad idea. They didn't hurt me physically, but they fucked up my mental health, yes, at the age of 13."

I was out of words. I never came out to my parents because they were already bad enough and I didn't want to make it worse. But Noah... He probably blames it on himself.

"You know it wasn't your fault that your relationship with your parents has gone downhill right? They were the ones being jerks."

He huffed and nodded slowly.

"I wish someone has said it to me when I was 13 too. It would've worked really well."

I smiled in defeat because I didn't know what else to say. What I did next was a little too soon but I don't even remember thinking about doing it.

I hugged him from the side and buried my face on his shoulder. He was taken a back, but he melted into the hug. And I let him. 

We stayed like that for a while and watched the moon. And to no surprise, I don't remember the rest.

Late Night Beach // Ennard x MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now