But another question that Jennie reluctantly had to pose to herself was what if she ends up hurting Lisa? Jennie never had to think of that, other people weren't her concern, she didn't give a damn about anyone just as they didn't give a damn about her. But Lisa, she was caring and gentle, and Jennie was afraid that one of these days she would do something to break her trust, hurt her, and then all of this, this beautiful thing they have will scatter in little pieces and she would be left all alone again and Jennie admitted to herself that was the last thing in the world she wanted to happen. She couldn't imagine a day without seeing those warm brown eyes, that breathtaking smile, and those dimples. Lisa has become a part of her life, and Jennie had to admit she never felt as vibrant as she did in the past month spent with the blonde.

"Here we are." Lisa broke the silence peering at
Jennie nervously.

Why is she nervous? Jennie looked at her in wonder noticing blonde's anxiousness. The bruentte broke the gaze looking at the coffee shop in front of her. A big sign on the top said Ivy's and Jennie looked through big windows, noticing people sitting inside.
The reason she was here today is because Lisa had to work and invited her to help. In some other conditions Jennie would have probably said no, because why would she want to work for Christ's sake, but since it was Lisa who invited her, of course she said yes. So here they were now, entering the small coffee place, the warmth, smell of pastries and fresh coffee hitting them pleasantly. Lisa inhaled deeply, probably satisfied that she was safe from the cold finally.

"Come." she motioned for Jennie to follow her. They approached the counter with a middle aged plump lady standing behind it.

"Hello ma." Lisa said, leading Jennie on the other side of the counter and kissing her mom on the cheek.

"Hi sweetheart. And who's this?" the lady smiled politely at Jennie, her cheeks revealing familiar dimples.

"This is my friend Jennie. She's come to help me today. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course honey. And it's nice to meet you Jennie.

Lisa's mum shook Jennie's hand.

"You too Mrs Manoban." Jennie smiled back at the lady, with a real smile this time.

"You can call me Chittip."

"Ok...Chittip." Jennie reluctantly said her name. She didn't really have many informal conversation with adults, and she really wanted Lisa's mom to like her so she felt slightly uneasy. Sensing her discomfort, Lisa pulled her by the hand in the back room of the shop. They left their stuff in the lockers, and Lisa handed her an apron.

"So what do we exactly do now?" Jennie asked.

"We'll make some pastries." Lisa said. "I don't really like doing it, because I suck at it, but my mum is making me, so yeah. Get ready to get your hands dirty ice queen." Lisa smirked at Jennie.

Jennie shot her a dirty look, eliciting a giggle from the blonde.


Two hours later, with a lot of flour on their aprons and some on their faces they were finally finished.

"Well, this was strangely interesting." Jennie exclaimed wiping her hands on the apron, after finishing the last dough.

"Oh yeah? Feel free to switch places with me then."
Lisa said sarcastically.

"Oh don't be a grouch babe, at least you had me to make you company." Jennie said cockily.

"That's true." Lisa slightly blushed at her admission, and smiled shyly at Jennie. Isabelle couldn't resist planting a little kiss at the edge of Lisa's lips, lingering there for a second before retreating. Lisa quickly glanced towards the door, checking if anyone saw their little intimate moment. Biting her lip she returned her attention towards Jennie who was placing the muffins on a baking tray.

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