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In the middle of the night, I'm startled awake by Agnes growling. All of her hackles are standing on end. She senses someone coming. The heros have found me. There's no other reason someone would enter this decrepit building. That's one of the reasons I chose it as my hideout. Either the people sense my power and malevolence or they simply already avoided this place. Whatever reason it is, I'm glad for it. It makes it easy to know when I've been discovered. And it seems they know I'm here, too. Their footsteps are and slow and careful.

I sit up slowly, placing my feet quietly on the ground. There's no use in running. I don't know how many there are or what their abilities are. The smartest move is to wait, get a feel for the situation. The wiggle my way out as I've done a million times. So I simply sit there, in just a tank top and jeans, and get ready to face them. Agnes sits patiently at my side. This routine isn't new for us. She wants for my signal to do anything.

A tall, slim man creeps around the corner. When our eyes meet, he freezes and raises his hands defensively. He seems very on edge. He has medium length blond hair that he's pulled back. Its messy appearance tells me he's been busy patrolling for a while. His eyes are a bright green, so vivid it's almost inhuman. I glance at his clothing. He's wearing a uniform that signifies a trainee. The true heros couldn't cone themselves. Instead, they send an untrained person in their place. How pathetic.

"It's really you," He whispers.

"In the flesh. A trainee, huh? The stars couldn't be bothered to come out themselves?" I shake my head. "So sad."

"Shut up. You're coming with me." He speaks big, but his voice cracks. It's obvious he's afraid.

"Oh? You really think I'd come quietly?"

"Of course not. I'm taking you in."

"I see. And how do you plan to do that?" I smirk. "How do you plan to apprehend the one person even the top heros have been unable to capture? Especially since I know you're alone."

"I know all about you. I know your power and your weaknesses."

"Do you really? Enlighten me. Tell me what you've learned." I sit back. My body language exudes confidence. I'm not relaxed, but now I know it won't be a problem to escape.

"I know your power is called Wormhole. That you can create your own illusory world so real that some people are unable to tell the difference ever again. That they eventually lose their minds. I know you activate it with your right eye. And I also know that you can be affected by your own illusuons. That's why you wear an eyepatch. You have no conscience. You have issues killing innocent people."

I lean forward. "Then you should know I'm very powerful. And that I would have no problem killing you right now." His breath audibly trembles at that. "However, though I may be evil, I'm not stupid. If I kill you here, the heros will be down my throat instantly. They'd know the second your heart stops beating. So I won't kill you."

"You're a coward. You'd rather hurt innocent people than fight us. You hide out here, planning your next attack."

"I'm certainly better than the heros, who send unprepared children into the field. They'd rather have you die than risk their own necks."

"You're wrong!" He yells. For the first time, there's strength in his voice. "The heros are everything good and pure in this world! They fight for what's right, risking themselves everyday! Yeah, I'm untrained. I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. But I'll get better. I'll learn. And I'll become a great hero. I'm going to be the one to take you down."

I stand up, grinning wide. "Is that so? You think you can take me?"

"It doesn't matter if I can or not. I have to try." He lowers his stance.

I spread my arms, tilting my head. "Well then, trainee, go ahead and try. Give me all you've got!" I rip off my eyepatch. "Hey kid, wanna see something cool?"

"No, you don't!" He waves his arm and suddenly, my hand covers my eyes against my will.

I cackle. "A telepath, huh? You think you can control me?! Go ahead and take a look! Look inside my head, kid, and tell me what you see!" He flinches. I'm trying to force him out. He's not the first telepath I've met. I use all my rage, all my pain, all the pain I've caused, and shove it at him. He screams and his mind is ripped from mine.

"You think you understand everything, little hero. But you couldn't be more in the dark." I hear the whiz of metal from behind me. I whirl around to find out he tricked me. I wasn't really facing him. He made me believe I was. I barely dodge his weapon. He's much stronger than I anticipated.

"Maybe you're right. But you're also clueless. You know nothing about me."

"It seems you're just full of surprises, kid. Hey, if you ever get tired of the heros, you know how to find me. Not that I'll let you live if you don't."

"Like I'd ever join you! Besides, I'm not letting you leave."

I laugh. "As if you could stop me. I haven't even shown you all my cards. While you've used everything you've got. So go ahead. Keep coming at me. Because I will kill you now. And I'll sleep soundly afterward."

"Your threats don't scare me. I'm prepared to die."

"Are you?" I step towards him threateningly. He shies back. "I don't think that's true. I think you're terrified to die. Not just that. You're afraid of someone else messing with your mind. Funny, considering that's exactly what YOU do."

He breaks eye contact. "Maybe I am. Because I've seen what it's done to other people. I know what happens if you mess with someone's mind too much." Finally, he returns my gaze. "Aren't you afraid?"

I tap my chin. "Of course not. You said it yourself earlier. I'm affected by my own illusions. I already know what it's like. And maybe, I've already messed up my own head." Agnes barks impatiently. We'll be having some company very soon. We have to leave. The kid seems to notice the wolf for the first time. He looks absolutely shocked.

"Well, as fun as this has been, I'm afraid I have to cut our conversation short. Your friends are on their way. And I don't plan on having a tea party." I turn and grab my things.


I shift slightly in his direction. "Look kid, you don't want to do this. If you're afraid of what I can do, let me go. I won't use my power on you unless you force me. So take my advice: give up for now. Train some more and become a real hero. Then you can find me again. And we'll really battle it out." I walk away, Agnes at my heels, and he makes no move to stop us. He has so much potential. He would be a great ally. Unfortunately, I know he'd never follow me.

However, he can at least be a good rival. Maybe for once, I can go up against someone as an equal. Someone with as much passion as me. Too bad we're on opposite sides. But that's the way it's supposed to be. I look back just once. I can't see him anymore, but I can't help wanting to. If I had a different destiny, if I wasn't this way, maybe we could've been friends.

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