𖧷 Love? 𖧷

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I start to walk past the candy isle but I stop in my tracks seeing that he's still there. He still can't find them? I walk closer and I see that they are right next to him. Is he blind? What is he doing?

Y/N~ "Jay hyung they're right there look-" I say grabbing some leaning over him right as he turns to face me causing out lips to meet. I drop the candies widdening my eyes in shock. He doesn't move, he brushes his fingers against my waist. I pull away at loss for words still shook. I just accidentally kissed my best friend.. Oh god.... For the first time ever the silence is going to be soooo awkward... He picks up the candies I dropped and puts them in the cart. He grabs my hands and puts them on the cart.

Jay~ "Let's go buy the stuff and go home." He says climbing in the cart and sitting in it. He puts his sunglasses on and scrolls on his phone. I sigh and push him and the snacks into a checkout line. The worker eyes Jay in the cart.

Worker~ "I don't know the price of that." She says still eyeing Jay. I burst out laughing earning a glare from him. 

Jay~ "Well since you didn't know, I'm priceless actually." The worker laughed. He looked ridiculous trying to be all cool while sitting in a cart like a child. 

Worker~ "Well you two have to be dating right? unless your siblings.. You look so perfect for each other." I look at the ground flustered.

Jay~ "Welllllll she wishes." He says. My eyes dart to him and I see him pulling his sunglasses down so I can see his eyes then pulls them back up. I scoff at him rolling my eyes. The worker smirks at us as she bags our items. We grab the bags, then leave the store. I get in the car while he puts the bags in the trunk. 

Y/N~ "Park Jongseong what was that?" I ask the second he closes his car door.

Jay~ "What was what?" He asked innocently turning on the car.

Y/N~ " Do I wish I dating you? Really?"

Jay~ "I don't know, do you?" I don't answer and look out the window.

Jay~ "Sounds like a yes to me." I scoff at him still looking out the window. We soon pull into the parking lot. We grab our bags and walk into his apartment. We put the bags on the counter and I went to see what movies were on Netflix. 

Jay~ "Pick something, I'll get the snacks ready." He says opening the bags and putting snacks into bowls. I pick a random comedy movie hoping it's good. He comes in and puts the bowls on the table. He puts a blanket over us and eats some chips. 20 minutes into the movie we're interested into it, it's a good movie so far. I already ate two packages of mintchocco poky's and was about to open my third when Jay snatches it from my hands.

Jay~ "That's enough of these for tonight you ate so many. You're going to throw up." 

Y/N~ "Nooooo give them back Jay!... HYUNG" I say knowing it's going to annoy him.

Jay~ "When are you going to stop calling me hyung?"

Y/N~ "When you give me back my snacks!" I say leaning to reach my snacks from his hands. He reaches them further away from me, and I keep leaning over him. We fall off the couch and I land smack on top of him, his lips hitting mine for a second time today!! How does that happen twice in a day?? I pull away about to get up, but he pulls my waist bringing me back on top of him.

Jay~ "Don't pull away this time.." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. My heart started beating super fast. 

Y/N~ "w-what do you m-" He cut me off by kissing my lips. I pull away looking in his eyes, then kiss him back. He pushes me over, hovering over me. He kisses me again. I kiss him back already lost in him. I want nothing more then this for the rest of my life. I just want Jay it's always been Jay..

Accidentally Kissing My Cold Best Friend~ Jay OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now