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You know how every story starts..

Hello, my name is Shi Y/N and I am nineteen years old

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Hello, my name is Shi Y/N and I am nineteen years old

Hello, my name is Shi Y/N and I am nineteen years old

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This is my best friend Jay. He's 20 years old. We both go to the same fancy prep college. Our moms are best friends and they wanted to make sure that we'll go to the same college. Everyone's kind of scared of us. He's the most popular guy in school and I'm the most popular girl in school. I will admit we look good together. That's probably why people ship us together all the time. Jay just acts like its another normal day when it happens not really caring, but I secretly enjoy it when people do it even though I act annoyed, I'm just hiding my feelings. I do this because I don't want to risk losing him. I don't want to ruin our friendship or mess things up. It's Friday and me and Jay got back from school a few hours ago and now we're just chilling at his apartment. I live in the college dorms but he lives in his own apartment. It's perfect for late partying, and just perfect in general because its so peaceful and quiet. And he has no annoying roommates like I do. Anyways like I said, we're at his apartment chilling in his room not even talking to each other, on our phones. This is one of the things I like about Jay. We can sit here and be quiet without it being awkward or always feeling the need to fill the silence.  After scrolling on Tiktok for a while I get really bored.

Y/N~ "Jay hyung I'm bored let's go do something."

Jay~ "Don't call me hyung." He says his eyes still on his phone.

Y/N~ "Why do you always tell me not to call you hyung?"

Jay~ "Because I don't like it." He says getting up and walking out of his room.

Y/N~ "Jay where are you going?" I say following him downstairs.

Jay~ "Let's watch a movie."

Y/N~ "Ooooo like at the theater??" I say clapping excitedly.

Jay~ "No, it's Friday night it's going to be too crowded." I pout and slouch my shoulders. He chuckled. And just for a minute I saw that smile of his. The one that makes me weak.

Jay~ "Okay I'll tell you what, how about we go to the store and I'll buy all your favorite snacks and we can watch a movie here?" 

Y/N~ "Yessss I want to" He laughs again before grabbing his car keys and leaving.

Y/N~ "Wait for me!" I say running up to him. I lock his door combination behind me as we leave. He drives me to Chinatown Supermarket. It's the only place anywhere near us that sells the poky brand of mintchocco flavor. Jay judges me every time for picking "such a horrid flavor" But I don't care. His friend Sunoo agrees. We get to the store and I grab a cart, as Jay follows behind me. I grab four packets of mint chocco and toss them in the cart. Jay gives me a disapproving look as I do so, but I don't care. We had to get some Tanghulu obviously. We got strawberry and grape ones. Jay grabbed some corn popper chips, and some corn to cook for dinner. I grabbed some honey butter chips, some nongshim shrimp crackers, and some Lychee sodas. 

Y/N~ "Jayyyy will you go see if the cola highchews are in stock?" He just walks away giving me a thumbs up. I put all the things into the cart and look at the different soda flavors while I wait for Jay. About fifteen minutes later he still isn't back yet. I go to see if he wandered somewhere else.

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