The Last Thing You'd Want To Find Out

Start from the beginning

"Anyways back to what happened, sorry for getting off-topic," The man cleared his throat. The girl made a noise in agreement.

"Yeah, our apologies. This is just a more personal case for us," She said before continuing on with the story of the crime that had happened. "So these spring-locks that held the animatronic parts back were actually extremely dangerous. They could snap back into place at any time if not wound back perfectly, and water made them snap back into place quickly. Horrifically, while attending his own birthday Evan was bullied by his brother, Michael, and his friends. It was said by witnesses that Michael and the other children grabbed Evan and threw them up on stage, laughing and telling him to give Fredbear, one of the animatronics, a big hug. Evan, though, got his head wedged in Fredbear's jaws. His head was able to keep the jaws open by itself but his tears loosened the spring-locks holding his top jaw away from his lower one and the top part of Fredbear's head crushed down and bit the entirety of Evan's frontal lobe off." The host said, her voice wavering some. You had now abandoned your shower and stared at where your phone was placed in shock. Michael had killed his own brother? You couldn't believe what was happening.

"Evan was rushed to the hospital in critical condition but eventually died after being in a coma for five days. His death absolutely ruined the family." The male host stated. You tried to calm your rushing brain and continued to wash yourself as you worked through the new information you were gathering. Your stomach churned and suddenly you felt like you weren't only violating Michael's privacy but William's too. They would've told you this if they trusted you enough. You had only known them for a week at this point, you shouldn't know such personal things about their lives. Still, with that being said, you couldn't find it in yourself to turn the podcast off.

"The family didn't deal with the death well. William became rude and quite violent towards others, including his remaining family. The police were even called multiple times on reports of domestic violence going on inside the home." The male host said. "A few months after the death it's reported that the mother, Clara Afton, got extremely drunk one night. An argument started with her husband not long after she became intoxicated and she became frightened, running out of the home with the youngest child, Elizabeth. She drove off and was reported missing by Michael the next day when neither wife or child returned home."

"Oh my god," The female host whimpered, sounding like she was about to cry. You could hear the male host quietly try to soothe the female.

"The two were found dead, the car crashed into a tree on a side road." The male host said. You audibly gasped, even though you assumed something like that had happened when he mentioned Clara getting into the car drunk. "After the death, William seemed less angry and more drained. He didn't leave the house much, leaving the other owner of the establishment in charge of practically the whole company. Now at this point you may be wondering, well how is this a mystery?" He said as you washed the conditioner out of your hair, enthralled completely into the story. You knew without a doubt now that this was about your boss and his son, and you honestly didn't know how to feel about it. Sure you were empathetic for the two, but now you learned that your close friend murdered his own brother whether he meant to or not, and your boss had a domestic abuse streak.

"Well, not even a week after the deaths of his wife and daughter, a group of kids - including his co-owners own daughter - went missing and were found dead inside of the animatronic suits. William was obviously accused of the murder but there was no evidence and he denied it. He also had an alibi, Michael saying that the man hadn't left the house the day of the abductions. Michael and the co-owner were also investigated, but no evidence was found there either. The only evidence of the murders was a hair-tie with dyed-purple hair stuck on it and a bloodied knife with no fingerprints." The host said. Your eyes were open with shock and a shot of adrenaline coursed through your veins. Your boss could be a murderer, not only that, but he could be a child murderer. There was no evidence, sure, but what if he really was the culprit? What if the niceness he put on was just a mask to hide the psychotic part of him. You turned off your shower, stepping out and turning your phone off without listening to what the two hosts were saying now.

You changed and brushed your hair, putting it in [Hair Style] before dragging yourself out of the warm room. Your mind was racing with thoughts, you didn't know what to think. He couldn't be the murderer, right? There was no way he was - but even then, both William and Michael have done horrific things in their past. But people change, right? They're both changed men who lost most of their family. William is no murderer, he wouldn't do that. No, you would've known that something was wrong with him if he was. Michael did things he regrets as a teenager and William was no killer, you tried to solidify those thoughts in your mind. You laid down in your bed, repeating that thought to yourself as you closed your eyes and let yourself succumb to sleep. Though, even as your mind drifted off into a dream you still found apart of yourself not really believing that.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now