De Rolo Downfall

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/ You were the daughter of Whitestone's most fierce warrior and spent most of your time in the castle while your father was out fighting battles. Mr and Mrs De Rolo were more than happy to welcome you into the castle as your father was so well respected by them.

As the only child, you never had a sibling to accompany you on your visits to the castle so you'd spend time with the 2 De Rolo children who were closest to your age; Cassandra and Percival. However, you mainly spent time with Percival since Cassandra had tutoring sessions most of the time. They were just like family to me.

Percival was incredibly intelligent and always taught you something small every time he saw you which was quite a lot because your father was away often. You never minded his rambling about smart things you didn't understand it was amusing to you how much he knew.\

Once, you were in the castle library with the siblings and the butler sent for you three by Mr and Mrs De Rolo. This was odd, they'd never sent for all of you at once.

You exchanged looks of confusion as you headed to the throne room through the long corridors. The doors were opened as you reached them and you stared up at the two large, fancy, occupied thrones, accompanied by two more figures which you didn't recognise.

Mr De Rolo stood up and the two strangers bowed before he spoke.

"Lord and Lady Briarwood," his deep and cheery voice echoed in the large room as you kept walking forward slowly with the others. "these are my children; Percival and Cassandra.

The two siblings stopped and bowed their heads as they were announced and you stood, fidgeting with your thumbs.

"And this... This is our honorary Knight's daughter, (y/n)." You bowed your head in respect of the guests.

"Children, (y/n), this is Lord and Lady Briarwood who have come to stay for a few days for the snow still rages" Mr De Rolo extended his hand out to the guests who bowed in respect.

"I expect to see all three of you at dinner tonight."

Mr De Rolo sat back down and gestured for the butler to send you away. You turned away and all 3 of you, plus the butler, left the room. However, you felt a strange sensation as if someone were watching you. Not like glancing, but like daggers in the back of your head.


Later that day, at dinner time, you walk to the dining room with the siblings and as the doors open, you all bow before taking your seats.

The food was brought out slowly, too slowly for you and your stomach.

You dug in and tried remembering all your 'lady' s dinner etiquette' lessons you had with Cassandra earlier. Whenever you messed up something like where you put your fork or how often should you take a sip of your drink, you felt that sensation you felt earlier, the one where you felt the daggers in your head.

This was the first time at the De Rolo's dinner table, eating with the De Rolos themselves and honoured guests and you'd messed up so much. Every time you messed up, the sensation became more intense.

It felt like your head was going to explode. The scraping of cutlery and the sound of chewing made it so much worse.

Percy could tell you were stressed somehow and decided to break the silence.

"So, Mr and Mrs Briarwood, where exactly are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" He looked over to you and gave a reassuring smile to which you replied by mouthing the words 'thank you'.

Lady Briarwood dabbed around her mouth with a handkerchief before setting it down beside her and lifting her chin to speak.

"The Dwendalian Empire in Western Wynandir." She replied, her voice cold but oddly friendly.

Percival De Rolo X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now