Christmas invasion p2

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Sorry for the delay😅 I have over 40 pages of notebook pages full of this fic and im trying to transfer as fast as I can. The spelling is going to be horrendous until I go back through and fix everything since I'm typing this all of my phone.

Anyways, enjoy loves.

The Tardis kept beeping and the circles on the screen kept spinning. "Maybe it's a distress signal." Mickey suggested.

"Fat lot of good that's gonna do." Rose said disheartened.

"Are you gonna be a misery all the time?" Mickey asked Rose in frustration.

"Yes." Rose said satirically and I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"You should look at it from my point of view, stuck in here with your mum's cooking." He said to which i perked up.

"Where is Jackie, anyways?" I asked, looking around to make sure i didn't miss her walking back in.

Rose jumped up hurriedly. "Id better give her a hand. it might start raining missiles out there." She made her way to the door.

"Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine." Mickey said to her as she approached the door.

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Rose called out back to him.

"Im not that brave." He said, smiling, his words causing her to turn around before she had opened the door.

"Oh, I dunno." She said as she opened the door behind her and slipped out of the box. As soon as the door shut there was silence before we heard Rose scream.

"Rose!" Mickey exclaimed, he dropped the thermos and ran towards the door.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing?" I yelled to him, causing him to turn to me with a worried expression.

"Just stay here with the Doctor. Keep him safe." And with that, he was gone. The door was slightly ajar until I heard yelling and it was pulled shut with a loud click, making me jump slightly in shock.

"Lock the door, Lily!" I heard Mickey shout to which I ran to the door and turned the lock.

"Mickey, I swear to God, please come back with Rose." I yelled through the door but was met with silence. I turned around and pressed my back against the door.

I slid down until I was sat on the ground, my thighs pressed against my front as I wrapped my arms around my legs and buried my face in my knees, the tears I hadn't known I was holding back spilling down my face as I struggled to figure out what to do next. The tears didn't last long as I started to smell smoke and hear electrical buzzing. I lifted my head to see white smoke coming from below where the thermos has been dropped.

I scrambled to my feet, running up the steps to grab the thermos and put the lid back on, shoving it back into one of the bags of food. "Shit, shit, shit." I exclaimed to myself as I looked around for a cloth of some sort only to turn up empty handed. "SHIT!" The electricity hissed under where the Doctor was laid and I felt useless. I knelt down at the foot of the Doctor, wishing and praying he would wake up. I heard him inhale sharply, causing me to look up and see him reposition his head before exhaling another plume of energy.

"Oh, come on Doctor, regenerate or whatever you're doing faster!" I sobbed, gripping his shins with my hands and willing whatever energy I had left into the man before me. I knew the gesture was fruitless but I was willing to try anything. "Doctor, please, help me. Help us." I sobbed out only to be met with a loud gasp and the feeling of two strong hands gripping my shoulders.

"Did someone say my name?" I looked up to see the Doctor sat up and looking right at me.

"Doctor!" I exclaimed and pounced him with an all engulfing hug.

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