Jedi training

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Bly pov:

I woke up with a start and looked over at the chrono. 0100 hours, Galactic Standard Time (GST). Great. I looked around and saw the General was gone. As much as I (sort of) despised Jedi, It was my duty to protect them.

I got up and put on my armour and checked any messages in my helmet. Nothing.

I got up and walked sort of in a daze to the mess room. All was still. Where was the general? I walked over to the adjoining training room. I looked around and I spotted the General meditating.

"Yes? What is it Bly?" Aayla said without opening her eyes.

"You should be asleep, General."

"What about you?" she relied drily

"Worrying about you." I answered,

Aayla opened her eyes in surprise,

"I thought you hated Jedi."

"I hate anyone that thinks we're expendable."

"For the last time, Bly, you aren't expendable."

"There are some Jedi who think we are." I said quietly,

"Really? Who?" Aayla asked,

"Pong Krell. I've heard rumors that an entire Battalion was killed in head-on assaults." I said shaking,

"I'll have a word with the council." Aayla said shaking her head.

"Do you want to spar?" I asked,

"I suppose you can have my padawan lightsaber, I don't use it anymore." Aayla said, a grin on her face.

I looked at her stunned, "I can't use a lightsaber, I'm not a jedi." I answered,

"Doesn't matter, all lightsabers can be activated, they might just be weak. Tell you what, we'll train with sticks first."

"Sticks?" I asked in disbelief,

"HIIIYa!" I dodged Aayla's surprise attack, and picked up the lightsaber she threw me, I ignited it and tried to imitate a jedi's stance when about to fight, Aayla took one look at me and doubled over in laughter, 

"What do you think you're doing?" Aayla asked still trying to hold in her laughter, I looked at her hurt,

"Imitating a Jedi lightsaber stance, that's what." 

"That's not how a Jedi lightsaber stance works, this is my preferred starting position." Aayla demonstrated swinging her lightsaber up and to the side, before stabbing downwards while doing a flip.

"Impressive." I nodded, 

"How do you use the force?" I asked suddenly,

"The force?" Aayla looked surprised,

"Yeah, you know, the thing that Jedi use to become all mighty and powerful on the battlefield? Usually involves slamming someone against a  wal- uhf." All the air was driven from my lungs as Aayla threw me up against a boxing dummy using the force to hold me there.

"You know you have some nerve, Commander, You really should be more careful saying things out loud." Aayla said holding me against the boxing dummy while walking closer,

"Come on Cyar'ika." I answered before Aayla dropped me to the floor and went back to retrieve the lightsaber I had dropped.

"What does that mean?" Aayla asked chucking the lightsaber to me, I caught it effortlessly,

"What does what mean?" I answered,

"Whatever you just said." 

"You'll have to ask one of the others, Lucky perhaps?" I answered cheekily,

"That di'kut is a troublemaker, he always burns what we manage to cook then turns it into a food fight, If it were up to me to decide I'd transfer him to Skywalker's battalion."

"You could always ask Rex or Ahsoka, they're on this ship as well."

"Ask us what?" Rex asked appearing out of nowhere,

Aayla grinned, "Do you want Lucky on your battalion?"

Rex looked taken aback and Ahsoka answered for him, 

"No thanks, we have enough di'kuts as it is, in fact we should give you Fives-" Ahsoka started to say something else but I cut in

"Not on your life! He's probably as bad as Lucky, If they got together then all the Siths and Jedi combined wouldn't be able to stop them." I finished glaring at Ahsoka,

"Well at least I have Rexy." Ahsoka glanced at Rex,

"Rexy, eh? So Ahsoka, is Rexy, sexy?" Aayla asked with a hint of mischief in her eyes,

"It's like your feelings for Bly!" Ahsoka retorted, "And yes, my little Rexy is sexy." Ahsoka looked up at Rex and leaned against him.

"WHAT!!" Aayla looked incredulously toward Ahsoka who smirked and shrugged her shoulders

"Anyway, I got all that on my holo-recorder, so you better not cause any trouble you two." I smirked at Rex. Rex sat down holding his head, "Now I've got an even bigger headache than before." he moaned clutching his head,

"How on Force did you get a headache?" Aayla asked a hint of curiosity in her voice,

Rex glanced at Ahsoka and pointed to her, "You can ask Ahsoka."

"He cussed, so I give him a headache." Ahsoka said her voice muffling laughter and affection for Rex,

"Yeah, looks like the senate needs to get better armour for you clones." Aayla said laughing,

"Oh, Thanks for the new Heavy trooper squad you just funded, Aayla, that's really going to win the war." I said enthusiastically, I put on my helmet and looked at Aayla who was looking a little confused, I put on volume so the others could hear,

"Guess what Vods? The General has announced-" I was cut off by Aayla,


There was a commotion inside my helmet, clones all talking at once. 

"Why not?"

"I don't know? Ask the General!"

"Can I have a decent mattress instead?"

"Can we get better and more comfy armour so we can actually move better?"



Suddenly the helmet comms went still. "Alright, who said that? Say something or else the entire 327th Star Corps will be on clean-up duty for a month!" I yelled into the comms,

"Guess I'm the lucky one." Lucky said breaking the stillness, "Inc started it though! He's already a Heavy Trooper, so this doesn't apply to him, maybe he's jealous that he won't be able to-" 

"ENOUGH!" I roared, "All troopers are to report to the gym AT ONCE in full parade kit-out. Dismissed."

MUHAHAHAHA!! I love being able to write cliffhangers, ("ahem, TheDeepFanfic, You're just lazy-" "SHUT UP BRAIN, EVERYONE LOVES A CLIFFHANGER!!")

On a side note, I like motivation or just reminders to update, it keeps me active.

TheDeepFanfic <3

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