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Hello everyone!

So, I'm going to talk for a little bit before the story.

I'm moving my stories from FFnet and AO3 on Wattpad, because why not? It's going to be a lot of work so it will take a while. I hope you'll enjoy the stories!

By the way, it's canon divergent. (I think Turf Wars was not out yet back when I wrote it.)

English is still not my first language. Usually, I write my stories in both languages though my English is far from being perfect. And usually, it's understandable despite the mistakes. But this time, I wrote this OS only in English. Let me explain why. First, this is supposed to be funny (but I'm not very sure it is) and a part of the story just doesn't work in my first language. Then, I thought that maybe if I wrote it in English without translating from my first language, I would make less mistakes. I hope it will work! Anyway, please enjoy!

The shine of the portal failed, replaced by the light of a bright sun. It was morning in Republic City. The two women emerging from the portal left the Spirit World to come back to the reality. The city was destroyed all around them but now was not the time to care. Korra and Asami were not quite ready to completely leave their realm of joy and love they experienced the past couple of weeks. They knew they would have to do a lot of things in order to help the citizens, the Earth Republic and to fix all this mess caused by Kuvira. But they could still escape the responsibilities for a few moments, before being overwhelmed by work. So, still holding hands they walked out of the crater covered with vines.

"So, we're back. What do we do now?" The blue-eyed Avatar asked.

Their vacation was wonderful, but indeed they were back and hadn't really planed what to do next.

"Actually, I was thinking of a nap. Though I loved being in the Spirit World, it's not very restful and I missed my bed." Asami stated.

"Says the woman who falls asleep on her desk." Korra said ironically with a smirk.

"Hey! I don't always sleep on my desk! And certainly not during weeks. So, come on, let's get some rest."

"Okay..." Korra responded hesitantly. "But... where? The Air Temple is probably full of refugees, and the Sato mansion full of Mako and Bolin's family. What if they are there?"

She paused before continuing:

"Should we tell them or not?"

The engineer simply raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... I don't want to hide but with Mako... I think maybe we should go easy on him. It can be... disturbing."

The green eyes softened as Asami answered:

"Well, yeah... It's something very new but I don't want to hide either. We'll find out when it will happen."

"You're right." Korra nodded. "Let's go, then!"

Asami headed to the Sato mansion and Korra simply followed her. They walked together along the streets of the city, exchanging sometimes furtive glances and slight smiles during their little walk. The warmth which has bloomed inside of them from each other company carried every step they took, making them wanting to stay together and keep a bright smile meant only for themselves.

The streets were still full of some weird silent. However, it was maybe for the best. As there was nobody, they could walk without being bothered. They were still the Avatar and the CEO of Future Industries. And to be honest, they had probably been searched for the past few weeks. It was not as if they had warned anyone... They had been very hasty. Maybe a little too much. But it had been three years! It was time to make a step. And maybe a few more others then... It had lead them to spend a wonderful time together, to finally talk about their feelings and express them. It was really good. It was some kind of freedom. It was the freedom of loving, being accepted by the other. There was no more prison for these feelings. However, it was the beginning so, sometimes, they were still a little bit unsure about what to do, what not to do. In one look though, these fears were defeated.

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