Chapter 1: Is That Really You? Do You Wanna Collaborate?

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Sunghoon walks to the convenience store seeing a lady and a child with his mother. "Im so sorry for this miss." The mother says. "Its fine ma'am!" The lady said to the mother, "Now, don't go running off with this pen again. You might hurt someone! But here is a cool way to fix it."  As the lady said that, she drew a flower on the scribble. "Tada! What do you think it is?" , The child said "Poo?". The lady giggled and told the child after that he shouldn't do it again. The mother thanked the lady and walked off with her child. The lady got up and went on with her day. Sunghoon smiled at what he just saw but then he realised that the lady left her car key and phone, so he ran off to find her. Sunghoon was rushing but then he suddenly bumped into her. "I'm so sorry ma'am. Wait, are you Jin Young S-" He said. Young seo bowed and ran off hoping Sunghoon would forget about the situation thinking that he was one of her crazy fans. 

A week later forgetting about what happened at the store, he wanted to go out with a writer he was talking to for his upcoming movie. The writer was none other than Jin Young Seo. They planned to go out to a bakery. After an hour, they saw each other in the bakery. Sunghoon was shocked suddenly remembering what happened. Young seo didn't remember properly but as she looked at him, she saw his beauty. Sunghoon decides to just shrug it off and talked with Young seo. They talked about the movie he was making called, Until I Found You. Young seo was someone who made storylines in adventure related books and movies but she was ready to challenge herself. "I agree but is it possible to add a tinsy bit of actionn?" She said. Sunghoon actually was zoning out thinking of Young seo but then he snapped out of it saying, "Sure, its fine." One of the main cast for Sunghoons movie, Shin-Hari came in shocked seeing Sunghoon. "Director Cha? Hello!" She said. As she turned her head a bit she saw Young seo, saying, "YOUNG SEO?? YOU KNOW DIRECTOR CHA??". Young seo herself was shocked that she got the main lead, "Hari?? You got the main lead?? Why didnt you tell mee?" Sunghoon looking back and forth to Shin-Hari and Young seo in confusion. He asked, "Young seo, you know Hari?" . Young seo nodded her head and said "We met on set for another movie 2 years ago!". Sunghoon was actually really happy they knew each other. "Now we can have more actors comfortable with each other.". Young seo asked, "I'm not gonna be on set though.. Right?". Sunghoon said that she will in some parts mostly interacting with Hari. Hari was happy to hear the news and also asked if they wanted anything, noticing how their table was clean with no glasses or plates showing that they were just talking but not eating. After they were done eating, Hari needed to go practice with Taemu the first few lines another writer had done. Young seo insisted she should come so she could learn more about the kind of movie they were making. Hari accepted and Sunghoon and Young seo went with her. When they entered Taemu's house, Taemu waved to Sunghoon but Taemu was really shocked when he saw Young seo. Same for Young seo. Sunghoon was confused but then he remembered that Young seo was Taemu's old date.


(Authors Note: This is just a short chapter since its just the first one, I'll publish the second part in maybe a week or a few days, I can't promise that it will take a short time cause of school.)

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