Perrie stepped away from Ed, for she was certain that he was Ed, and she moved in front of the twin that she was certain was Joe. She looked up into his eyes, and the clarity of her thinking made it plain to see that this was Joe.

His eyes were the same warm brown as his brothers, but there was an edge to his gaze. There was a tightness about his eyes that remained as he shielded himself. But he stared down at Perrie intently, and Perrie could almost hear the challenge coming from his mind. He was daring her, or maybe willing her to know it was him.

And Perrie couldn't give him the satisfaction. She didn't want to give away her newfound ability to pick the difference between them. She stepped back in front of Ed and said, "You are Mr Joe, I'm certain of it."

Ed's brows rose as Joe's settled into a scowl.

"You're wrong, Little Imp," Joe snapped grumpily. He turned around on his heel and stalked out the front door, leaving Perrie behind with Ed and Lily.

"It is extremely difficult to tell the difference between my brother and I, my lady. Believe me, you are not the first to guess incorrectly."

Perrie blinked, hardly hearing what Ed had said. She was too surprised at Joe's reaction. She had expected him to mock her. She had expected him to triumph at Perrie being wrong. It was to be Perrie's little secret that she could tell them apart, a talent that she would save for a rainy day. She had not expected Joe to react so poorly. Why was he angry?

"Shall we depart?" Ed suggested hopefully. "The horses have been saddled and have been brought up from the stables. Your father was too kind."

Perrie nodded slowly. Ed offered his arm to both herself and Lily, before he escorted both sisters outside. There were four saddled horses waiting for their riders. Two were saddled for ladies, and two for gentlemen. Perrie knew how to ride both ways owing to riding lessons she'd had from her Uncle Alex as a child, but she knew that her grandmother would have been mortified if she rode astride in front of a gentleman.

Joe had already climbed atop his horse and was holding onto the reins tightly as he waited for Ed, Perrie, and Lily, though he was not looking at any of them. The Ashwood groom assisted both ladies onto their horses, and soon the party of four were ready to depart.

"You are the expert, Lady Perrie. Where shall we go?" Ed called.

Perrie secured her reins while staring at the back of Joe's head. She knew exactly where she wanted to go.


Perrie led the way as they rode their horses out through the gates of Ashwood House and down the long road that led back towards the village. Perrie was certain that Ed meant her to show him the grounds of the house, but he had already seen the pond. There was only so many trees and shrubs that one could feign interest in.

Perrie was after a reaction. That was all she could make sense of in her head as she made the decision to go into the village. She wanted a reaction from Joe. She had no idea if her plan was a stupid one, or if it would make things worse, but she simply wanted a reaction that she expected from him. Everything had been so strange since his family had arrived and Perrie really did not know what to make of it.

As she rode, Perrie kept checking over her shoulder to see if Joe was still following her. Ed was right behind her, followed by Lily, and they were flanked by Joe. He had not abandoned them, despite probably knowing where she was heading.

When they reached the outskirts of the village, Perrie slowed her horse to a gentle canter. She heard the others behind her do the same. Perrie had made his journey countless times before, but she suddenly felt a fluttering of nerves tickle her stomach.

A Fiery DallianceWhere stories live. Discover now