Chapter 63 - First Day Out (of the Hospital)

Start from the beginning

"You're right." He rolled up sleeves and washed his hands. "We would still like to keep her as long as possible." He brought out a cutting board. "She's very reliable."

"It's because she's scared of you guys." I was slowing starting to remember when I first met Yumi and I how I somewhat felt bad for her but not really. "Well that was before I got to know her" I thought. "If I finally make up my mind and fully escape from these guys, I need to bring her with me" I continued to think. "Or at least help her get away from them in general." I said that last part to myself just in case a certain someone was listening.

Thirty to forty-five minutes passed and dinner was ready. Kakucho served the both of us at the small dining table we usually eat dinner at, talking about whatever came to mind.

"Ah~" I was standing in the shower, letting the water hit against my body. "I've been needing this shower for a long ass time." I kept standing there, almost forgetting that I actually needed to wash my funky ass.

"Well it seems everything is fine for now" Kakucho said on the phone.

"Yeah, but it would probably be best to start bringing her with you wherever you go" Akashi said on the other line. "We still don't know if those two have any allies that want to get revenge for them."

"You're right."

"We also still don't know who killed those two cleaners." Akashi took a hit from his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his mouth. "Both Ran and Rindou think it was someone completely different with the way they handle the situation."

"You think it could be related to what Ran, Rindou, and Sanzu heard when they took care of Yamato Ishida?"

"It could be."

"Hmm." Kakucho could hear me turn the shower off. "We still don't know why he had that picture of (Y/n) on him as well."

"Wasn't it because she's one of his best strippers?"

"That makes the most sense, but I think there's more to it."

"Well Mochi is looking more into that Kokatsu organization, so maybe we'll get some answers."


"Man! That shower was bomb ass fuck!" I walked out of the bathroom and spotted Kakucho on the phone. "Oops, my bad." I slowly crept my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and quickly disappeared into his bedroom.

"Since when did she care about interrupting one of my phone calls?" Kakucho questioned. The wasn't directed towards Akashi.

"I take it (Y/n)'s around you?" Akashi asked.

"She was, but she just ran off into my room."

Akashi chuckled. "We can finish this talk later." He told Kakucho night and hanged up the phone.

"I didn't like that chuckle of his." Kakucho put his phone back into his pocket and turned off the majority of the lights. He then walked into his bedroom, noticing I had already made myself comfortable right in the middle of his bed.

"What?" I caught him staring at me. "Care to join me?" I joked as I lifted up the blankets, "inviting" him in.

Kakucho thought for a moment. "I think I will..." He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a change of clothes. "After I take a shower." He left the room and went into the bathroom.

I didn't actually hear him say he would join me in his bed and just assume he was going to go lie on the couch after his shower. "Hehehe, I know there's no way he would say yes." I got up and turned the lights off. I then got back into the bed and made myself comfortable again, dozing off.

About fifteen minutes later, Kakucho was through with his shower and came back into the room. He saw that I was asleep and sat on the edge of the bed. "Am I really going to sleep in the same bed as her?" He looked over his shoulder. "It should be fine as long as nothing happens." He let out sigh and got up, going to the other side of the bed where I wasn't. He then got into the bed and I squirmed around. "She tends to move a lot when she's sleeping" he noticed as he laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

He was still feeling a little hesitant about being in the bed with me. He didn't know why. It's not like he had the intentions of doing something to me while I was sleeping. He wasn't Sanzu or Ran or even Koko, who would definitely do something to me in my sleep. "Is it because of the feelings I have for her that's making me feel like this?" he asked himself.

As Kakucho was off in deep thought, he didn't noticed I had turned over and wrapped my arms around him. "Huh?" he looked to his right and saw me snuggled up to him. "She's going to end up hurting her fingers like this." He tried to carefully remove my arms from him.

"" I held onto tighter.

He stopped trying to get me to let him go. "I guess I'll let her be." He felt me move again but this time I had rested my head on his bare chest. He didn't do anything about it and just placed one of his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. A few minutes later, he was asleep.

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