Characters: New and Old

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Hello and Welcome!! Now first thing first, I have the characters people wanted me to add to the old version some of them won't come in right away but some will. Let me show some of the Characters!!


Name: Shima Kuran Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Pure blood Vampire

Looks: Long curly brown hair, and ice blue eyes

Family: Rido Kuran- Father(deceased) Shizuka Hio- Mother(deceased) Kiriki Hio- Aunt, Nimako Kuran- sister, Shiki Senri- Brother

Personality: Cold, Mean, Prideful, intelligent, Sly, trickster, Nice when she wants to be

Power: You'll find out

(Used to be Simra)


Name: Nimako Kuran Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Pure blood Vampire

Looks: Straight long brown hair and light pink eyes

Family: Rido Kuran- Father (deceased) Shizuka Hio- Mother(deceased) Kiriki Hio- Aunt, Shima Kuran- sister, Shiki Senri- Brother

Personality: Nice, Sweet, Prideful, Shy, Cruel when she wants to be, intelligent

Power: You'll find out

(Used to be Nimra)


Name: Kiriki Hio Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Pure Blood Vampire

Looks: Silver white hair, green eyes

Family: Shizuka Hio- Sister, Shima Kuran- Niece, Nimako Kuran- Niece

Personality: Kind, Nice, Serious, intelligent, Silent, Beautiful

Played by: Sakoyahikota


Name: Icy Wood Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Acel Blood, Pure blood

Family: The Woods (deceased)

Personality: Acts protected if you hurt her bff, nice, kind, smart, athletic, sometimes mysterious

Looks: white crystal hair (long up to her butt), crystal oceanic eyes, eyes goes dark red if you hurt anyone she loves

Power: can control blood, turns into any animals even mystical creatures, have black and white twin katanas, control ice, and water , can teleport, mind read

Played by: IcyBlue_Flames29


Name: Yumiko Bara Himaru Gender: Female

Age: 17

Status: Shape shifter/Pureblood

Family: Miki Himaru- Mother (Shape Shifter, deceased, Riko Himaru- Father (Pureblood, deceased)

Personality: Hyper and very sporty, a bit shy when you first meet her but really hyper and funny when she gets to know you.

Looks: Dark brown hair with rainbow colored streaks in different parts of her hair. She has emerald green eyes, that turn crimson when she's hungry for blood, and flash rainbow colors when she changes form. She has a tattoo of a red rose on the left side of her neck. She also wears earrings that are studs of a small rainbow flower, (lot of rainbow my friend -.-, going to guess that's your favorite color.) Finally she always wears a black ribbon around her neck that her mother gave her.

Power: She can turn into any person/animal that she thinks of and has the power of super speed, teleportation, super healing, the attributes of the thing she turns into and she can use her mind to do things, moving things, talking to people, and controlling their minds. She also has a two sides blade that contracts into a ring on her right middle finger so it's hidden.

Played by: SpY_ArOsE


That was a lot, whew. As I said up above this is not everyone who asked for their characters, the rest will come in later!!

See you in the next update!!!

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