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I was crying until I saw Goliath he then walked to me "hey what's wrong syntax" he said worried I should tell him maybe he can help me "mayor asked me out on a date at 2:00am and huntsman took some pictures of me and mayor making out and said I can't go to the date with the mayor and told me to stop seeing him or he was going to show the queen" I said "oh he won't do that not on my watch he won't and he knows your not the only one how is date the enemy" he said I looked up to look at him "what do you mean" I said confused "huntsman is dating the big blue guy from monkiekids team" he said I was shocked "here is the pictures of them kissing and going on dates you can use so you can go on the date with the mayor just use it for him not to tell the queen" he said "thank you so much Goliath!" I said hugging him "no problem now get ready for the date bye oh and tell me all about it when you come back" he said while leaving I started getting ready and it's was 1:30am i was almost done until huntsman then came back " what do you think your doing" huntsman said "am getting ready to go on the date with the mayor" I said annoyed "did you forget what I have" he said "oh I didn't forget because I have this"i showed him the pictures "how do you" "I have my aways so I will go on that date and you won't tell the queen anything or else I will tell the queen that you are dating that blue guy" I said "Ugh fine just don't tell the queen" he said leaving a few minutes later and I was ready for the date I checked the time and it was 2:00am "hi syntax well you look pretty" mayor said to me "thanks you look handsome" I said blushing "come follow me" he said while grabbing my hand and took me to a top of a mountain with a table with candles under a blossom tree he pulled a chair for me to sit on a few minutes or hours passed "syntax I haven't told you but I think it time"i looked that him" will you be my boyfriend "mayor siad " yes i will love to your boyfriend" I said i was so happy that me and mayor are going to be dating mayor then got up walked to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me up and kissed me me and mayor were making out we then stopped and blushed i looking away from mayor i then heard mayor laughing mayor then grapped my chin making me look at him one minute passed and me and mayor were talking and laughing just giving a good time we then decided to go back to the cave mayor walked me to my room and kissed me " bye my love I will see you later" he said then disappearing I  walked in my room and got on my bed and went to sleep i then woke up and got off my bed and went to my bathroom and started the water and tooked my clothes off and got in the shower and started cleaning myself a minutes passed and I got out of the shower and started drying myself and I put on some new clothes and started to work.

a few minutes later

"Syntax" I hear someone behind me turned to see goliath"so how was your date with the mayor"he said "it was amazing we talked and did you know that he is pretty funny oh and you can't believe what happened" I said " what" goliath said confused " he asked me to be he's boyfriend we are now dating" I said with a happy smile " that's amazing mayor and you are so in love that its so cute"he siad me and him were talking for a few minutes until " hey syntax!" Mayor siad "hey mayor" I said "will I have to go have fun" Goliath said running out the door "how are you love" mayor said while hugging me "I'm good hun" I said hugging him back "I love you so much syntax" "I love you too"

a two years later.

*I'm back!!! I am high right now but I hope you like reading this worked hard on this one I was struggling what to write for the date but hey I'm back and i am sorry that it's short I just don't know what to write and sorry if there's spelling mistakes or other things so yeah bye love you guys ❤ "

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