Start from the beginning

I help Sage in and glance up at Bradley. "Oh make sure you-" He tightens the belt and locks it in. He's a natural. I bite my tongue and get in the passenger seat. "You know how to get there right Bradshaw?"

"Yes ma'am." He says, climbing into the front seat.

I furrow my brows at him. "Don't say ma'am. It makes me sound old."

"But you are old mommy." Sage remarks. I look over my shoulder and try not to glare at my child. I look back at Bradley.

He holds his hands up in defense. "They said it. Not me." He starts the car and we're on our way.


"Where is he?" I hiss, staring at my watch. "He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago."

"Don't stress it, Sav. Maybe he's stuck in traffic." Bradley picks at a piece of mulch he got off the ground.

"Or maybe he's not gonna show up at all." I sigh. "Not that I'd complain."

"So since he's late does that mean he only gets ten minutes with the kids?" He asks.

I give him a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

"Well-" He stands from his seat and walks in front of me. "If they were my kids and I was in your situation I'd start his timer at the decided time and if he's ten minutes late he only gets twenty minutes with them, if he's fifteen minutes late then he only gets fifteen minutes with them, and so on so forth." He motions with his hands. "He's gotta know there is consequences to his actions and he needs to act more like an adult." He looks out at Sage and Sawyer. "I mean if I had kids that I loved then I'd do everything I possibly could to be on time."

"That's a good head you've got on your shoulders, Bradshaw." I smile at him.

"Everyone should have this mindset." He looks up at the cloudy sky. "No kid deserves to grow up without a good dad." My heart pangs as I remember Goose.

"What was he like?" I ask. "I mean I know you didn't get enough time with him but-"

"He was simply the best." He smiles. "My mom said we're a lot alike. Though I might be a bit more high strung."

"I'd like to hear more about him someday." I smile up at him.

"Rooster!" Sage calls from the swing set. She kicks her short little legs around. "Push me!"

"Coming!" He yells out, he looks at me and throws the piece of mulch at my forehead.

I scrunch up my face and he runs off. "You know I'm starting to think you might be a bad influence on my kids."

"What? Never!" He yells back as he reaches Sage.

I stand and head for the sandbox where Sawyer has been working on his masterpiece. "Whatcha working on, Sawyer?"

"A sandcastle. Duh!" He pats the sand into his molds.

"Hey watch it mister. I get enough sass out of your sister. I don't need it from you too." I ruffle his hair making him shake his head.

"Sorry, Mom." He mumbles as he turns his mold over.

"Woah! That's too high!" I hear Sage squeal making me turn my attention to her.

"Sorry little lady." Bradley slows her down. "Why don't I teach you how to swing properly?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Sage kicks her legs excitedly.

I drown out their voices as I watch the two of them play. Bradley is so good with her. I haven't seen Sage this playful in so long. I'm so thankful he came with me today.

"Mommy!" Sage yells as she waves at me. "Look I'm doing it!" She is, she's kicking and moving in the swing all by herself.

"Good job baby!" I call out to her. I give Bradley and thumbs up and he does the same.


"Alright kids. What do we say to Rooster?" I stand at the front door with two very tired littles.

"Thank you, Rooster." They say in unison.

"No thank you guys. I haven't had this much fun in ages." He squats down so they're at the same level.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" Sawyer asks, buying on his thumb.

"Are you kidding me?! We are best friends." Bradley pinches his side making Sawyer squeal.

"Come on inside guys. We gotta get you two in bed." Sawyer runs in, Sage starts to follow behind but she quickly turns and hugs Bradley.

"Bye Rooster." She pulls away and runs inside.

He stands up and wipes his hands on his pants. "Well..."

"Thank you." I spit out quickly before I hold back. Grant didn't show up. He wouldn't respond to my calls or anything. I'm so frustrated right now I could cry. Just not now. Not in front of him. "I mean really. Thank you. I-I couldn't have been there for them the way I needed to be without you. I just really needed support so— thank you."

"Of course, Sav." I places a hand on my shoulder and slides in up and down my arm. "And I'd be happy to do it again." He glances behind me inside the house. "I love those little munchkins."

"They seem to love you." I chuckle. "Drive safe, Bradshaw." I back away from him and head for the door.

"Goodnight, Sav."

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