U.A Chaos Chat Part 3

Start from the beginning

CockadooBird: What?..

not4moraleyes: I think Sho likes the kid!, (Not in a romance way more like a platonic way)


not4moraleyes: Yup!~

Sleepycat: Did he just have a f*cking stroke? ( ̄ー ̄)

Sleep?Whosshe?: Yea i'm I'm a bit concerned too...

Sleepycat: Who said I was concerned?

CockadooBird: Sho remember when you took me on that one thing last week what was it again?..

Sleepycat:... Shut the f*ck up.

CockadooBird: Oh right it was!...

Sleepycat: Fine!! yes i'm A BIT concerned about you..

CockadooBird: nothing I forgot!! ehe~

Sleepycat: Your lucky.. ⋋_⋌

CockadooBird: ehe~

Sleep?Whosshe?: haha..Are you guys lovers?  ('ー`)??

Sleepycat went Offlline

CockadooBird: lol and yes we are  ت

Sleepycat is Online

Sleepycat: Why did you tell him/her/them?  ᇂ_ᇂ

CockadooBird: Because why not? Ehe~

Sleepycat: The fact that you type "ehe~" and say it outloud..


Not in text Aizawa to Hizashi  -whispering- *action*

Aizawa: -is kinda cute..-

Hizashi : *heard it*  *teases him* Ehe~

Aizawa: *Gets flustered *


Sleepycat: Is kinda annoying...

CockadooBird: Oh come on Sho!! Stop being so mean .. '︿'

Sleepycat: fine..

not4moraleyes: Aww cute lovebirds..

Sleepycat: F*ck forgot you were here.

Sleep?Whosshe?: Just a random thing I remembered. I heard a certain someone *cough* me *cough* say a wise quote: "If a rabbit's foot brought good luck, the rabbit wouldn't have lost it to begin with. It's all out of good decisions." Unless the good decisions are just beating people to near death experiences then thats just a person being a bully or adult wise, abuse.

Sleepycat: I'm now even more f*cking concerned 

not4moraleyes: Ohh~ You know that he is either pissed or gay up scared/worried when he cusses like that

CockadooBird: don't you mean straight up?

not4moraleyes: I know what I said Honey 😌

CockadooBird: Alright..

Sleep?Whosshe?: Oh! Oh! i made a song! Would you like to listen/look at the lyrics?

Sleepycat  Sure kid..

Sleep?Whosshe?: Yay! (*˘︶˘*) :

Parachute - MJHanks Chorus part:

I did it, I did
I jumped, I stepped
Right off that cliff without a parachute
I looked over the edge and saw the view if something I could never do
And no part of me knew how
But the moment came and it had to be now, so
I did it, I did
I jumped, I stepped
Right off that cliff without a para-chute

Sleepycat: You are fucking concerning me now


Sleep?Whosshe?: I have another one!:

Overwhelmed - Royal & The serpents Most song part:

... Turn off the T.V, it's starting to freak me
Out it's so loud, it's like my ears are bleeding
What am I feeling? Can't look at the ceiling
Light is so bright, it's like I'm over-heating... This mind isn't mine, who am I to judge?
Oh, I should be fine, but it's all too much... I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety creeps inside of me
Makes it hard to breathe
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else... I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety keeps me silent
When I try to speak
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else
I get overwhelmed... All of these faces who don't know what space is
And crowds are shut down, I'm over-stimulated
Nobody gets it, say I'm too sensitive
I can't listen 'cause I'm eyeing the exits... This mind isn't mine, who am I to judge?
Oh, I should be fine, but it's all too much... I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety creeps inside of me
Makes it hard to breathe
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else... I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety keeps me silent
When I try to speak
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else
I get overwhelmed


Sleepycat went Offline

CockadooBird: Umm... He just got his stuff on and he is furious... Oh no... Hes going out I can't stop him if i wanted to so don't try asking me. Also when he gets like this he will most likely search the whole FLIPING TOWN TO FIND SOMETHING OR SOMEONE and..

CockadooBird: @Sleep?Whosshe? Hes looking for you...Hope your hiding kid... 


Total: 1000 words

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