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Onika had gotten discharged not too long after, the doctors had asked multiple questions on how she sustained her injuries and if they should involve higher authorities, but Onika being Onika had made up excuses and told them there was no need..

"You sure you'll be fine by yourself, I mean your right arm is broken how you gonna take care of yourself?"

"It's just an arm, it's not like I'm paralyzed. I'm pretty sure I can look after myself." They were all in Beyoncé's car now, going to drop Onika off, Robyn in the passenger seat with Onika and Royalty in the backseat.

"Well okay. You gonna come to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I already missed today's papers I can't miss anymore."

"And how exactly do you plan to write with a broken right arm?" Robyn asks rolling her eyes, this being the first thing she'd said all while they were in the car.

"I'm ambidextrous." Onika mumbles quietly, the tone in Robyn's voice was making her feel uncomfortable like she'd let her down... she hated feeling like that.

Beyoncé already sensing the tension decided to steer the topic in another direction, "Umm.. I'm gonna get some gas, maybe a few snacks too."

"Okay." Onika says quietly. Robyn just nods her focus outside the window.


Onika had come to school the next day as stated but she couldn't even focus on her papers. At this point she was sure she'd failed all of them and that would mean even more trouble for her.. maybe another broken arm.

Her mind had been pre-occupied with Robyn's words all morning, should she really leave? But then what would it mean for her? Where would she go? She had no one.

Her father was the only family member she knew, she didn't know his family. She hadn't even met her mother, who had died during childbirth. If she left she'd have nowhere to go.

Robyn and Beyoncé just didn't understand, they're trying to make her leave but aren't even thinking of the circumstances. They don't understand how it feels like to be abused and to be made feel worthless all their lives.


By the time school was over she'd left almost immediately, she didn't really feel like hanging out with them for awhile..

The first place she thought to go to was the library, one not too far from her house, as she scrolled through the aisle of science textbooks she suddenly bumped into a body making her fall backwards landing painfully on her one broken arm.

"Argh~!" She yelped out trying to steady herself so as to get the weight off her arm.. "oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The person who had bumped into her knelt down trying to help her up.

Onika looked up at the person, seeing it was a boy.. a really handsome one at that, he had on very thick framed glasses and a cute little dimple on his left cheek.. "I-I'm so s-sorry." This statement brought Onika out her daze as she looked at the boy's panicked face, he was staring at her arm probably thinking he had done even more damage to it.

"No.. no it's fine." She mumbles getting up, trying to dust off her clothes as best as she could.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks still a bit panicked adjusting the glasses on his face.

"N-no, I'm fine. It didn't hurt too much." What a fucking lie! That fall hurt like a bitch.

"Well.. I'm sorry again...

"Onika.. my name's Onika."

"Then sorry Onika, my name's Aaron by the way."

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