Prolouge-A story of the past

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_ "(Y/N)! Paimon wants to hear a story." The floating child demanded a faint sparkle in her eye.

Paimon loved (Y/N)'s stories and always had them tell at least one every day, ever since they started traveling with her and Aether.

_ "Paimon stop bothering (Y/N)." Aether said. The comment made Paimon disappointed.

_ "It's alright Aether, but I have already told you every story I know." (Y/N) said as they tried to reassure their two traveling companions.

Paimon visibly shrunk and decided it would be best if she retreated from her mission of entertainment.

(Y/N) who was too kind never wanted to see the poor girl sad decided it would be time to tell them about an event that happened long ago.

_ "I do have one I haven't told you yet..." They trailed off contemplating whether they should continue or not.

_ "But it's really scary, do you think you can handle it?" They continued.

_ "Yes, Paimon can most definitely handle a little scary story!" Paimon exclaimed as she floated over to her friend and seated herself next to them.

_ "Okay, a long, long, time ago when Barbados wasn't Mondstadt's Archon yet."

-Story time-

During that time Mondstadt was ruled by a tyrant god by the name of Decarabian, God of Storms. The God used his powers to create a storm wall to "Protect" his people as he claimed. Decarabian's true intent was to keep his people in Mondstadt.

A young bard by the name of Himmel started to grow tired of this life. He wanted to see the sun, clouds, stars, moon. To see different types of flowers and feel the grass under his feet. His biggest desire was to travel teyvat and play his lyre for the people of the other nations.

Himmel was a kind person that wanted the people of Mondstadt to be able to be free. One day he met a wind spirit. This wind spirit didn't have a name, but it responded when Himmel addressed it as Venti. Venti and Himmel decided they would start a rebellion, Himmel started singing about it in the tavern. More and more people started to join their rebellion and soon enough they had what resembled a small army.

Decarabian didn't go down without a fight though. He had a real army with trained soldiers. Eventually just as it seemed like the rebellion would fail Himmel grabbed his Lyre and through rains of fire and arrows he played. He played for the people, for their hope and for the future.

By dawn the storm wall fell, they had won. But at what cost?

As the people of Mondstadt walked to see the sun for the first time the wind spirit, Venti, was busy elsewhere. Himmel was fatally wounded. Through his pain the bard sang one last song. "Fly, fly away. Like a bird in the sky. See the world on my behalf. To the heavens may you fly." And with that he drew his final breath.


_ "Did he die?" Paimon asked.

_ "Unfortunately..." (Y/N) answered as she looked down at their feet.

_ "Wait... you mentioned Venti...?" Aether remarked.

_ "Ah yes! Well, you already know Venti is Barbatos, right?" (Y/N) asked as she mentally cursed herself for possibly revealing the carefree bard's identity.

_ "Yes. But, was Venti and Himmel good friends?" Aether answered.

_ "They were like a sloth to a tree." (Y/N) said and giggled a bit to themself.

-Time skip-

_ "Paimon doesn't want to go to bed!"

_ "Come on Paimon, we're all tired except you." Aether complained.

(Y/N) had already retreated to their chambers for the night. They really needed a long night's rest after today.

As their head hit the pillow, their eyes became heavy and soon they were of into dream land.

Hopefully it will be a good dream tonight.

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