Chapter 2

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When I finally came around, I was in a small bedroom of some sort.

The walls were lilac, with random pictures and whiteboards all over them.

I was laying in a very comfortable bed.

As I was looking around, the door opened. And a young boy peeked in.

'Esme! He's awake!'

It was the boy from the field.

'So, what's your name?' The boy smiled kindly as he sat down next to me.

'Umm...Ares, you?'

'Matthias, and here's my sister Esmerelda' The boy gestured to a young girl who had just appeared in the doorway.

'Call me Esme though' She grinned.

They looked very similar, so it was easy to tell that they were siblings.

The both had dark wavy hair, and pale skin. Freckles flitted the boys cheeks and nose. While the girl simply had a birthmark under the corner of her eye.

'Hello....Where am I?' I continued.

'Your in our house, Do you have a house? Cause you were kinda just lying in our uncles fie-' Esme didn't get to finish her sentence, as Matthias elbowed her in the gut as a silent gesture of "Shut up you eejit".

'Do you believe in the Greek Gods and myths 'n' stuff' I quickly added.

'Duh! Why?' Esme asked.

'How do I explain this? Errr..Is my name
enough to tell what happened?'

There was a moment of hesitation, but then Matthias piped up.

'Oh! Your Ares, as in the god of War?' His blue eyes sparkled with interest.

'Yeah, well, I was, but not anymore' I sighed.

'How can we help?' Esme smiled as she clambered into the bed with us. I was surprised by her answer.

'Well usually a god would have a half blood to be our master, and we have to obey them in exchange for their their to conquer some earthly challenge Zeus had either organised or has been informed of' I pondered aloud.

Esme and Marthias shared a look.

'Let me try something' Matthias says as he leans in closer to my face.

'Err...what do I do to like, become your master or something?' He whispered.

I couldn't help the laughter that escaped.

'Okay, so...'

Five minutes passed, and somehow he had managed it. Now I was stuck, with two squabbling siblings.

Thanks, dad.

I lay next to Matthias as he tossed and turned restlessly in his sleep. Gods, would he just lay still!

I thought about what my family, the Olympians, were doing on Olympus.

But I could still sort of remember what they had done any other time this sort of thing happened,

Recline on their thrones and laugh unfairly at whatever the punished god was going through.

I could just imagine Apollo, Zeus and Artemis laughing their stupid godly heads off at my predicament.

Well, compared to before, I actually got a nice, fair master. Who was quite handsome as well.

I appeared to be the luckiest of all the times before.

And I was really hoping it stayed that way.

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