Sir Atticus took us into the office, and we sat down. "I have some mixed news," Sir Atticus said, looking at the pair of us. I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably. I was excited about the good news, but the idea there was bad news didn't sit well with me. When you are in a game of Arknights and demons, the bad news was just always horrific. I glanced at Marcus to see him eyeing Sir Atticus with a pensive stare. "The bad news is the Angelway course needs maintenance, and as the Grandmaster will be away on business, they have decided that there will be no Angelway challenge this month." I frowned. That was the bad news? I was a little sad I would have to wait another month to show my progress in doing the course. However, this gave me a few more weeks to get some practice in.

"So what's the good news, sir?" Marcus asked.

"The other teachers and I have given you guys two weeks' leave from that Saturday," Sir Atticus announced.

I sat bolt upright in my seat. This had been my first opportunity to go home in months. I had had no contact with my friends or family for so long. This was huge. My mind began racing, thinking of all the things I will do when I get back. Had much changed since I had left? Would everyone treat me differently? There was certainly one thing I wanted to do, which was to make up with Alice. If I could do that day one, I would happily have the next five years without a holiday. There was just one question that had to be asked. "Does this include me, sir?" I said. Sir Atticus had always made a point of keeping me on base, especially after I had misbehaved during our mission to the Witches.

Sir Atticus raised an eyebrow at me. My heart skipped a beat, thinking I was going to be stuck here till I was twenty-one. Then Sir Atticus broke into a smile. "Of course, that includes you," he said, letting out a small laugh. "I think you've been here long enough without seeing the people you love." I could have leapt off my seat and hugged Sir Atticus. However, rather than cause a scene, I just gripped my chair in excitement. "The other Squires will be told tonight as well, so no need to hide it," Sir Atticus continued. He then turned to look at Marcus. "I'll update you with what is happening, but could you leave Sara and me to discuss how holiday works." Sir Atticus snuck in a wink to Marcus. This was a clear signal for something as Marcus got up and left.

I looked at Marcus back and then back to Sir Atticus. I didn't like that wink. Those two were planning something. "What do we need to discuss, sir?" I asked.

"Don't look so worried," Sir Atticus said, leaning back in his chair. "It's only positive things. Things to keep you safe out there." I tried to think of what that meant. Where I was going, there was nothing to be scared of. Plus, now I had been deeper beyond the Halo; I had no intention of going near it. "First," Sir Atticus started, "you need to know everything you have learnt on base is top secret and is not to be shared with friends. Is that clear?" I nodded. Telling the guys about the Vale and demons outside the Halo would probably cause more problems than it was worth. And any showing off of my new abilities would attract too much attention. "This includes you being the Nexus. Your prophecy has been well guarded, and we want to keep it that way."

"Next," he said, pulling out a piece of paper and pen, "I'm going to need your mobile number." I was tempted to joke about how there were better ways to ask for a girl's number, but I just took the paper silently. "I need to get in contact with you easily," Sir Atticus went on, "If the demons attack, we need to call you in."

"Will they ask me to fight, sir?" I said after finishing scribbling on the paper.

Prophecy of the NexusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz