5 When You Find Out They Are Akatsuki Members

Start from the beginning

"Which one of you is lying?" You put your hands on your hips.

"Him." They both responded.

"Well whichever it is, I wish you would have told me."


"It's pretty cool and I have no problem with it."

"She knows our secret, we should kill her now." The black half whispered to the white half.

"Um, how about no. I'll keep your secret, just don't kill me."

"Fine. You can live." You smiled at Zetsu but were concerned that he was really thinking about eating you.


You had taken a trip to the Sand Village to talk to someone about puppets. While you were there, you found out that Sasori was once a part of the Sand and that he became a killer and such. You were shocked, but kind of saw that coming. Then you found out that he was a part of the Akatsuki. You didn't see that one coming.

Once you got home, it was a few days until Sasori appeared again. He was all ready to go and make more puppets but you had to know if what you heard was the truth or not.

"Sasori, can I ask you a question?" You asked as you entered his workshop within your town.

"What is it?" He responded, not too thrilled about being questioned.

"Are you an Akatsuki member?"

"Yes I am, who told you?" He seemed angry.

"Someone from the Sand Village."

"What is your opinion of it?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I mean it's completely fine with me as long as nothing bad happens to me because of it." You smiled at him. He seemed relieved but tried to hide it.

"Well, that is good then." He brought out the puppet you two were going to be working on. The two of you went on with your day like nothing had changed.



It's been a few days since you last saw Itachi and you were beginning to worry. He told you he'd be away for work, but you never got a chance to find out what he does for a job. You were worried he'd end up getting killed or something.

It was around midnight when there was a knock at your bedroom window. You had been awake reading, so you weren't as freaked out as you would have been if you were sleeping. You looked over at the window to see Itachi.

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