Can I kiss you?

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Y/N first developed a crush on a boy about 2 months ago. It was when she decided to enlist for a helth support for Karasuno valleyball team. 

The crush she had was on one certain orange haired boy named Shoyo. The more she spent her time tending to his injuries, talking to him in the process and observing him as a whole, the more she fell for him. His smile. His laugh. His face. His body...

The way he would try to pretend he is not in pain. The way he was so persistent and determined to reach his goals. His bubbly and positive personality. The way he moved on the court. It all drew her in. 

There was a certain time she realized she was actually so down bad for him. It was after that moment that she realized there was no saving her. Whatsoever. 

Boys were playing a practice match against Nekoma. Everything was going smooth until a serve hit Shoyo straight in the face knocking him down. Y/N immediately rushed towards him with a med kit. 

"Shoyo! Shoyo, are you okay?", she frantically called as she sat him up and started to wipe the blood streaming out of Shoyo's nose. 

"Gahhh... It hurts so bad..", he hissed. 

"The blood won't stop pouring.. I need to get him off the court. Guys help me move him to the nurse's room!", Y/N yelled to the boys on the Karasuno bench. She hoped the nurse would help stop the bleeding. 

They helped her carry Shoyo to nurse's room. But she wasn't there. 

"Fucking great.", " Y/N sighed. She was gonna have to do this on her own after all. 

"You can do this Y/N. He's gonna be fine.", she gave herself a pep talk that the boys overheard. 

"You're as good as that nurse is. We're leaving him in good hands.", Nishinoya winked with a smile as the boys left leaving you and Shoyo alone. 

"I feel safe in your hands Y/N.", Shoyo said while Y/N still kept frantically cleaning the blood pouring out of his nose. His comment made her heart skip a beat. 

"Thank you.", she barely whispered. 

"Sit down here, yeah.", she said as Shoyo reached for the bed. She pushed a chair in front of him and sat down ready to countinue treating him. 

"Alright we're gonna try to stop the bleeding now.", she told him to which he nodded. 

Suddenly she felt very nervous. She tended to his wounds many times before, but this was the first time they were alone. She did her best not to make eye contact with him because she was scared she'd pass out if she looked at him straight in the eyes. Her heart was already racing as it is. 

So.. With her best try to not look into his eyes, she pinched the soft part of his nose, just above his nostrils with one hand while she wiped the blood with his other. 

"Lean forward and breathe through your mouth, Shoyo.", she said and Shoyo did what he was told immediately. 

"We're gonna do this for about 10 minutes and see if it stops. Hopefully it will.", she said accidentally making eye contact with Shoyo. He was looking at her so intesly that she got lost in his eyes immediately.Truly, they had the most beautiful orangey brown color. How did she not notice they were THIS pretty before? 

"Y/N? It stopped.", Shoyo's voice snapped her out of her daze. 

"Oh.. Right. I know.", she said awkwardly as she released his nose and hurried for an ice pack placing it on top of his nose. A towel over that as well. She held it there putting ever so slight pressure with her hand. 

She accidentally made eye contact with him again sending her heart into cardiac arrest. He had that intense stare again. Has he ever looked at her like that before? 

"Y/N..", Shoyo started as his hand reached for her face. He brushed a strand of hair off of it making Y/N light headed. "Can I kiss you?”

"Wh..what?”, She thought she heard wrong. 

"Can I kiss you?", he repeated. 

So she heard right. 

"Wh.. Why?"

"Does it matter?"


"So... Can I?"

She gulped breathlessly before she finally said:


He leaned in closing the little distance there was between them as he pressed his lips on hers. He started moving his lips slowly while he caressed her cheek. Y/N's knees turned weak. The kiss soon turned deep and more passionate. She could taste him now. She never tasted anything better before. He was sweet like sugar. The soft mewls he was letting out as he kissed her was even sweeter than sugar. It made Y/N actually whimper. 

After a few more moments the kiss turned to a slow end as their lips parted leaving a single string of saliva stretching between them. Both were breathless and flushed. 

"Thank you.", Shoyo said just before a nurse walked into the room.

"Eek!", Y/N screeched embarrassed at the possibility she might have seen them kiss. 

"What are you screaming about Y/N? It's just the nurse.", Shoyo chuckled.

He thinks this is funny? Does he not feel embarrassed about what they did just a few seconds ago?

"No-nothing.. Nothing..”, she cleared her throat awkwardly looking between both Shoyo and the nurse. 

What was this about? 

Why did he kiss her anyway? 

Why did she say yes in the first place? 

This just made her... Fall for him... Actually fall for him. What is she gonna do now? 

Forever Crush (Hinata Shoyo x Fem! Reader) - LemonWhere stories live. Discover now