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WHAT I GOT THE PART!!! NO WAYY please tell me this isn't a dream
I freak out i booked my first acting gig its nothing major just a TV show the reason I'm doing smaller gigs is too build my portfolio before i go into anything major.

Next week
As i go in i see so many people rushing around its really freaking busy one of the girls recognises me from my headshots she brings me to the assigned chairs and hands me the script its only one page which was expected. As I'm reading it i realise I'm having an argument with my best friend who i secretly love and it leads to a passionate make out session. I don't really have an issue with the arguing but I've never even given someone a peck before let alone made out with someone. I really don't wanna fuck up because they'll easily replace me and ill loose this opportunity so i decide ok ill just do what my co actor does follow him i guess.As I'm reading my four lines this guy wearing a black hoodie comes and sits right next to me I don't think much of it but as soon as his scent fills the air around me my attention is towards him . It's indescribable a thick musky scent kinda like when you take a hot steamy shower and put on a really strong perfume. As I'm deep in thought the same lady looks at me and say oh you guys are already sitting next to each other great so you guys are each other's  co actors in the scene so go ahead and go over your lines with one another ok. She disappears when the director calls.

He turns to me first hi I'm Britain he stretches out his hand ,Hi I'm Y/N i shake his hand his cold rings touch my skin as we do the gesture.I can't really see his face because the lights are facing in the opposite direction onto the set
Britain:So were arguing are we
Yea it seems like it as we chuckle he has a nice smile we go over the lines and it seems like all is good.The girl comes to tell us its our turn the director looks at us and says that he wants the scene to be very passionate and angsty. I get even more nervous knowing what he's referring too.We go to the set and the director says ROLL
I can't believe you just said that do you have no respect for me
It's true your being irrational
Oh IM being irrational of course it's always ,me I'm always the fool
Why are you saying that don't twist my words
Oh please I can't do this
Yeah of course you can't
Why are yo doing this to me
Y/N can you for once just not
What does that even mean why don't you just go to her I know all your friends say she's the one
Wait what are you even talking about
Please Don't ,i know she makes you feel like you should
Oh yeah what about that guy you were dancing with
We're old freinds
why are we even fighting about this its not like were in a relationship we can do anything with anyone
Do you really not know why?
He comes close to me grabs my face and he immediately presses his lips on mine then he grabbed my waist roughly it all happened so fast I didn't even have time to register it i just put one arm on his neck and the other on his cheek then i moved my lips like he was moving them my heart was racing literally ,my cheeks felt hot I felt my lower stomach tingle and my knees felt weak it was almost to much.I guess he must've realised that because he picked me up and put me on top of a big wooden box then he scooted me closer to him and he climbed on top of it too so now he was on top of me ,my hands danced through his hair and i could not even  breathe to calm myself down, then the director said cut 'Perfect'

His face slowly moved away from mine his lips coated with the gloss of our saliva his hair messed up because of my hands in them and that's when i really saw HIM and he was truly breath taking.
Is this your first time making out ? He asks with an extremely small smirk on his face almost sly looking
  Yea how did you know? I almost whispered
He chuckles and gets up and jumps down the box i then crawl towards the edge and he grabs my waist to bring me down so I don't fall.
Thanks i say
He doesn't say anything  he just looked back smiling as he walks away

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