
Start from the beginning

today was no different than any other day, rolling over to her side as she blankly stared at the uniform that was sitting on her desk chair. it's been weeks? time is nonexistent to her now- but it's technically been weeks since she last went to school, spending her time trying to make up the best of her infinite time to good use.

it wouldn't hurt anyone to go now, and just reset her day after class- there's no way in hell that she'll let herself get shot again.

"i wonder what i'll eat today."

the day went by like she remembered, learning nothing as school went by like a blur

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the day went by like she remembered, learning nothing as school went by like a blur. if she cared enough, she can recite what her teacher was discussing word per word if she wanted to- but she knows that at the end of the day, it'll be all for naught.

though, she did miss the presence of her friends, remembering that tomorrow- well, what should be tomorrow, they will all celebrate the birthday of f/n.

they all planned the party to be perfect! but, now that she's stuck in this never ending loop of death and confusion, she can't enjoy nor feel happy about the thought of it.

"bye y/n! see you tomorrow alright?" f/n said, hugging the (h/c) haired girl as the female half-heartedly reciprocated, a small smile on her face as she nodded.

"yup, don't worry. i'll be there." her response made her friend smile, giving her one last hug as she ran off to her bus stop, leaving y/n alone with her thoughts.

the smile that she had fell, eyes looking down as she began walking the opposite direction. she didn't have any where in mind to go, opting to just settle at a park near her house before she'll drown herself and end the day.

if you think about it, to her, dying is basically just sleeping.

(e/c) eyes looked around her as she took in her surroundings, seeing the same kid falling to his knees for the nth time now, and the couple breaking up just in front of the park entrance. y/n knowing the reason and excuses that the guy is giving the girl word per word as she passed them a hundred times before now.

the park was just as she knew it to be.

serene, calm- the sun, despite at its peak, didn't affect the cool weather that the afternoon is basking in. there wasn't much people there, only dog owners and joggers can be seen over the parks oval as they each minded their own business.

though, she didn't feel anything.

the leaves crushed beneath her as she made her way to her usual spot- on a lone, wooden bench that's located just in front of the lake.

the (h/c) haired girl settled on it, bag beside her as her school blazer was being toyed with with her hands. she knew it was useless to sight-see, but even for once, she'll put in the effort of feeling alive despite of her situation.

actually, this gave her the opportunity to recollect her thoughts, and see more on the memories given to her as she tried to piece in every single detail to think of a solution for her predicament.

closing her eyes, she tried to focus as scenes moved in her mind. the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind creating a calm environment for her as the cool air nipped at her exposed cheeks.

it's been a while since she felt this calm.

however, much to her distaste, everything did not, in fact, make sense.

it's all just vague, memories.

sure it's kind of brutal, dying at the hands of police officers while doing nothing is unfair- but what did the woman want her to fucking do? kill the entire police department to rest her damn soul? why can't she just haunt them and move on?

seriously, why did she need her?

(e/c) eyes gazed up at the sky, watching as the clouds pass by and take shapes above her.

she should stop trying to make sense out of all of this. dying every day is better than wracking her brain out for something so meaningless.

seeing as the sun was beginning to set, she thought that it was time to end the day as well.

standing up, y/n folded her blazer and left it on the bench, placing her shoes on top of it not caring for the dirt on the soles since it'll all be clean the next morning.

if one was to see her right now, they'll think that she's done this for thousands of times now. they weren't wrong since this was the easiest way to die- in her opinion that is.

(h/c) hair gently swayed along with the wind, creating this sort of peaceful image of her if it weren't for her intentions that's ruining the scene.

they always told her that those who died are all in peace now. but why is it that when it comes to her, peace is never the option?

taking one,last look at the sky, she cursed the gods for placing her in this situation.

"one day when i'm successful, i will kill you all with my bare hands."

she closed her eyes and turned her back against the lake, about to lean backwards when she was stopped by someone calling out to her.

which, for the first time in 263 times, has happened to her.

"wait- wait!"

(e/c) eyes snapped open, brows furrowing in confusion and annoyance as someone decided to interrupt her on trying to rest in peace.

she was met with frantic, purple eyes.

'who the fuck...?'

in front of her, a guy who was wearing a nurse's uniform was panting with his hands on his knees, sweat dripping from his forehead as his hair was messily tied in a ponytail behind him.

does she know him?

it took her a moment before realization sinked in, eyes slightly widening as the image of a guy with purple eyes and braided hair entered her mind, coincidentally looking like the guy in front of her- just, sporting different aesthetics.

this was him, just less dangerously looking and more like... safe looking.

does he have the answer to her endless limbo?

does he know her as well? or is it only her who's suffering this entire memory shazam thing?

she didn't realize that they were looking each other in silence, mouth slightly agape as she tried to piece together the information that she just found.

this was the first time that she saw him out of all the days she has lived.

the guy offered her a smile, standing straight up as he gave her a little wave. in his eyes, it looks like he knows her personally despite not once meeting him in all her life.

"you might want to step away from the edge."

and oddly enough, the strong smell of the cherry blossoms plagued her senses as she forced herself to fall backwards.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥.- 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now