
395 23 6

content warning: mentions of suicide

death is not usually sought out for.

in fact, death seeks for us, while we run away from it- trying to make the very little time that we have worth it as we gamble in the face of fate.

in l/n y/n's situation, however, she's the one who actively pursues the ghastly arms of death, wanting nothing more than to succumb into whatever is out there to break the curse that she- well, a version of her, has placed onto herself.

for 263 consecutive days- for 263 times, has she tried to fall into the arms of nothingness as she slowly descended to madness. re-living the same, fucked up day without her having to do anything.

that woman- whatever she is, has cursed her to live the same day over and over and over and over again. on top of that, she has to live with plastic memories inside her head as the day passes. it feels like watching the same movie on loop without a way to turn it off.

now you may be wondering, 'y/n, why on earth did you have to kill yourself for 263 times?'

well, it's an easy answer- either she kills herself, or some bastard with a gun does it for her when the clock strikes eleven in the night.

for her first day in this limbo, she thought that she was just brought back a day and that everything will be back to normal. she went to school, hang out with her friends, and boarded her train home. however, the moment that she stepped out of the vehicle, she was shot square in the chest as she succumbed to darkness.

she woke up shortly after- good as new, as if nothing has happened. and when she looked at the clock beside her, it always read 6:32 april 24th.

this happened for over ten times, twelve? and in those time, she was shot in the chest even if she tried to avoid the station. no matter wherever she is, the killer was able to find her and kill her. and no matter what, she'll wake up during the morning of the 24th.

so, in hopes to end it all, thinking that this was all just a messed up nightmare, she killed herself. and again, and again, and again. no matter how she did it, she'll always wake up in the same room, staring at the same walls, for as long as she has remembered.

the (h/c) haired girl tried to understand what the woman meant, why her memories transferred to her, and why was the day repeating itself. however, to no surprise, every theory was met with a deadend.

she doesn't know what the memories signify- i mean, how could she? all she knows is that the woman, whose memory is now hers, died because she got shot in the chest. the two of them are different, why the fuck does she have to suffer the same fate as hers over and over again?

y/n doesn't understand- doesn't know why that hag chose her to carry this burden.

"give us a happy ending." well she would've if you just let her move on with the day and not turn this into some creepy shit, nurse woman!

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥.- 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora