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Chapter 396: You’re Doing This For That Woman, Aren’t You?

“Grandfather. Dad. Mom. Sister.” Su Yuxin removed his coat and greeted his family.

A servant came forth and took his coat to hang it up. Su Yuxin stood in front of the coffee table and observed the situation before him.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Li Qianxue refused to speak. Old Master Li did not speak either. Su Chenghui’s brows were tightly knitted together, and he, too, did not utter a word.

In the end, Su Yuxin could only direct his gaze towards Su Peizhen, hoping that she would give him an answer.


“Yuxin, you’re back right on time.” Su Peizhen looked as if she was about to cry. “Talk to Dad. He said he’s sending me to the United States. I don’t want to go.”

To the United States? Su Yuxin glanced at Su Chenghui. “Why is she going to the United States?”

Su Peizhen stopped speaking. Li Qianxue glared at Su Chenghui. The hatred in her heart was as deep as the ocean, but right now, she had an icy look covering up all her wrath.

“Dad, I don’t want to go to the United States. I’ve already finished my master’s degree. Why should I continue to study?”

Old Master Li continued to sit there without speaking a word.

“Study?” Su Yuxin stared at Su Peizhen. “You still have to go to school?”

“Yes. That’s what Dad said.” Su Peizhen was pretty pissed off. “He’s sending me to study in the United States for a few years before coming back. I told him I don’t want to go.”

Old Master Li patted Su Peizhen’s hand and finally looked at Su Chenghui. “So, you’re thinking of banishing Su Peizhen now, right? Are you planning to give up on her already?

Su Chenghui’s expression was no more pleasant than those of the rest. “What’re you talking about, Father? I just want Peizhen to cultivate a better character by sending her abroad.”

“Cultivate a better character?” Li Qianxue was unable to be silent further. “Do you really intend for your daughter to cultivate better character or are you actually planning to banish her? You know this better than anybody else.”

“That’s not what I mean.” Even if Su Chenghui bore that intention in his heart, he would never say it aloud. “I am sending her away for her own good. Would you rather wait for Huo Jinyao to deal with her instead?”

“What right does Huo Jinyao have to deal with her? Su Chenghui, you don’t have to be so noble. Your sweetheart is back, and now you can’t wait to give her the whole of your heart. What’s a daughter worth, anyway?”

Li Qianxue gritted her teeth, her heart filled with hatred. She accepted that Su Chenghui didn’t treat her well and has been cold to her all these years. It was her choice to marry him, after all.

But now? He can’t even stand his own daughter?

In the past, she actually noticed that he treated Su Peizhen pretty well, and thought that somehow, they were still a family. However, it was all until that woman came back.

Now she had returned. With Xiang Caiping here, was there even a place for the rest of them in his heart?

“She caused Cai—” Su Chenghui paused and cleared his throat. “She caused her to get into an accident. You really think Huo Jinyao will just let her go like that?”

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