friends with benefits?; chishiya // mild smut

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kinda nervous for the first chapter!! hope y'all enjoyyy smiley face. also forgot to mention in the info page but my native language is hebrew, so i apologize if my grammar is not the best


it was spring, the time of day unclear as you awoke from a much needed deep slumber. sleep was almost impossible in the beach, with the constant parties and blaring lights, but also with the terrifying thought of there being a possibility of you dying soon in a game. so it surprised chishiya to not see you around, sneaking into your room to see you in a peaceful slumber. he closed the opened curtains, and then a few moments later closing the door as softly as he could, only to see kuina waiting for him.

"what?" the blond furrowed his dark eyebrows, pondering why the girl was smirking.

"why were you in her room?"

kuina always had a feeling that the two of you were dating, though the two always denied such things. it started with small things that slightly caught her off guard -you being especially touchy with him, being seen with each other constantly- but kuina was never really sure until now, watching as chishiya entered your room.

chishiya immediately caught on to what the dreadhead was thinking, shaking his head. "we aren't dating, i don't understand why you don't believe me."

"you were just in her room!" kuina yelled a little too loudly, receiving a "shhh!" noise from chishiya.

"be quiet; you'll wake her," he grumbled under his breath, the two leaving your doorway to wander through the hotel halls.

"yeah, you totally like her," she stated confidently, a smile never leaving her lips. chishiya sighed, realizing he could now never convince kuina he wasn't romantically involved with you.

"we aren't dating . . . you know that wouldn't be smart," he explained, mentioning the situation they were in.

"so . . . friends with benefits?" kuina joked, receiving a serious look from the blond. her signature smile immediately disappeared, her mouth going wide and her chewing stick almost dropping out of her mouth. "no way!" she whisper-yelled under her breath, mostly to herself.

"i suppose that is what you would label us," the blond said with a sigh, receiving a squeal from kuina. she held onto his arm, giggling.

"aww, that's so cute. oh, i have to tell ann! she owes me twenty bucks!" she said. "see you later, blondie!" she waved, and with that, she was off to find ann.

he scoffed, chuckling and letting his hands rest in his pockets. "did she seriously bet on us?"


you had just finished getting ready, the exact time unknown. you had awaken about thirty minutes earlier, opening your curtains to see night was approaching. you had just finished getting ready, a white blouse and blue bell-bottom jeans draped over your baby pink colored  bikini.

you left your room with a casual smile tugging your lips up. it was unusual to see someone so happy in the borderlands, causing a summoning of confused heads to turn to you. you couldn't explain your happiness, an old tune stuck in your head as you made your way to the bar. blasting music fully disrupted your eardrums as you entered the dancing area, eyes flickering through the crowd. you peered into each area of the club, searching for someone in particular.

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