Part 1: Judgment

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A small coffee shop is seen on the wet streets of Tokyo the business inside is rather sluggish as the waitress goes around taking orders from the patrons.

"Hello! Welcome to Hachiu's coffee what could I get you two?"

"I'll take a coffee black" the man who spoke looked rather intimidating wearing tattoos on his face and sunglasses.

"Espresso please." A younger male was seated his (HC) hair slicked back barely pocking out from under a beanie.

"Alright I'll be right out with your coffee." The young waitress walked away unknowingly being checked out by the tattooed man.

"Kind of cliche to have a meeting in a coffee place wouldn't you say?" The younger man's (EC) colored eyes stared at the onyx ones in front of him. "Who's the target."

"Always business with you? Why not a friendly conversation first?" The older male had spoken in a mocking tone before pulling out a picture from within his coat and sliding it across the table.

"He will be speaking at a event 3 days from now we don't care how you do it but he needs to be gone Capiche?" The young man simply nods his head.

"Here's your coffees sir" the young waitress sets the cups down in-front of the respected customers. "Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

"Yeah there is actually your number." The tattooed man shot a smirk at the waitress trying to gather her reaction.

"O-oh sir I'm sorry I already have a boyfriend." Before the man could respond he caught a glimpse of the younger male across from him and the expression on his face was perfectly clear 'Choose your next words very carefully' deciding that getting on the man's bad side was something he would rather not do the older man let it go. The waitress then turned and returned back to work.

"You're no fun you know that?" The man took a sip of his coffee.

"Cut the shit Inosuke who is this guy and why do you want him gone?" The younger male has an annoyed expression on his face as he sipped his espresso a annoyed look on his face.

"Since when do you ask questions? Fine fine I'll relent, he's a local politician who's going to make it hard for us to do business, however the runner up is on our pay so we need him gone ya dig?"

The younger man looked rather pissed at this revelation. "And why would I do that?"

Inosuke smiled. "Because if you don't we'll just kill you and sell your organs, let's face it (YN) you have no choice quite frankly"

(YN) squeezed the cup in his hand so tightly that it shattered and spilled coffee everywhere. "Oh mister are you ok? Are you cut?" The waitress rushed over a concerned look on her face. 

(YN) looked over at the waitress and read her name tag, "No Kobeni I'm alright thank you for your concern, here for your trouble." (YN) then proceeds to pull out some money to pay for his drink, the broken cup, and to tip the poor girl.

"Keep the tip alright? I apologize about the cup." After handing her the money he stood up from the booth shooting a glare at Inosuke but nodding his head to signify that the hit would be done and he walked out of the coffee shop.

As I began my way down the street I became more and more upset over the job that was offered by the syndicate Inosuke represented.  I'm tired of doing this stuff, if I were to kill people who actually deserved to be killed I would at least have a better ease of mind. I sigh as I continue down the street heading for destination unknown, I wish there was a way I could just walk away from this, I mean normal 17 year olds get to hang out with friends and go to school, instead I have to take out hits just to pay my bills.

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