Chapter 3 🌳

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Simon and the rest of the group follow Meliodas through the stone forest. To Kings dismay, Merlin had simply teleported Gustaf to the Druids while the rest of them have to walk.
"Where's the gate?" Jericho groans, Clutching Bans arm
"Should be somewhere around here" Meliodas responds, disinterestedly looking at the arches "I think it's this one" he confidently walks through one of the arches and
"Did he just disappear!?!" Simon and Jericho exclaim in unison
"Yeah, c'mon" Ban responds dragging a dumbfounded Jericho into the arch. Simon clutches the folded up picture of Gustaf in his pocket, takes a deep breath, and walks through the arch.


Everyone else has gone into the training cave,
Simon and Jericho opted out, to Slader and Bans disappointment. Neither were in the mood to train and they were sitting off on a rock as Simon finished his drawing. Jericho watches him, clearly reading him
"Hm?" He's only half listening
"Do you love my brother?" he pauses,


that was something he never thought to associate with Gustaf

but thinking about it, he can't deny that makes sense.

"...yes" he responded, saying it out loud feels like he just cast a spell on himself, his head is spinning and he feels his stomach twist.

Jericho smiled
"I'm glad" he looked at her for the first time today and she tilts her head ever so slightly "youre perfect for him" Simons face turns a light pink and he looks back down, examining the drawing in his hand with new perspective...


The group is sitting around a campfire, bowls full of soup resting in their hands as they all talk and joke, Simon on the other hand, is just staring at his soup, still thinking about the conversation with Jericho earlier today.

"Simon!" Jericho yanks at his arm, causing him to fumble the bowl in his hand and it crashes to the floor.
"What?!" He glares at her, she's looking up at the hill, he followed her gaze

There, up on the hill is Gustaf, his eyes meet Simons, and he smiles...

Simon doesn't think, doesn't cry, doesn't smile, doesn't speak, he just stands up and runs. It can't have taken more than 30 seconds to get to him but to Simon it feels like an eternity until he crashes into Gustaf. He flings his arms tightly around Gustaf, holding on so tight you'd think he was going to fly away. Gustaf hugs him back, practically lifting him off the ground as he runs his hand through his silver hair. Simon buries his face in Gustafs neck, he smells like dirt and rot, but Simon couldn't be happier.
"I missed you." Gustaf whispers it into Simons ear, Simon relishes in the words meant only for him, holding him so tight he risks breaking a rib, but Gustaf simply smiles into the other knights hair.


Simon, Gustaf and Jericho sit on a hill talking and catching up, looking at the sun, fading slowly under the horizon. Jericho looks at the boys and leans over to hug Gustaf,
"I'm going to go hang out with ban" Jericho hops up, brushing off her skirt "I'm really happy your okay Gustaf" she grins at him
"I can say the same for you" he smiles at his sister as she walks away.

Gustaf leans back on his hands and looks at the sunset, orange and pink painting the sky beautifully. Simon can feel his stomach do summersaults as he looks at his friend, the wind flowing perfectly through his lavender hair, the light reflecting from his brown eyes just right
"Simon" Gustaf doesn't look at him, still just staring at the sunset
"Yeah?" Simon can feel his cheeks get warm
"Why are you staring at me?" Simon jumps, quickly looking up to the sunset
"N-No reason" he looks away, flustered.

Gustaf laughs, finally looking over to Simon. Simon can feel Gustaf's eyes burning a whole in the side of his face and it takes him everything in his power not to look Gustaf too.
"Can you look at me please?" Simon takes a moment to steel himself before looking over at his crush
"What's u-" he doesn't finish the sentence, the feeling of Gustafs lips on his own stopping him from speaking

The kiss doesn't even last 30 seconds but Simon can relish in that moment for the rest of his life, Gustaf tastes like dirt and dust but Simon would give anything to taste that for the rest of his life. When Gustaf pulls away, Simon is left breathless, unable to form words over the thunderous sound of his heartbeat in his ears. Gustaf smirks, a small twinkle in his eyes
"I really missed you" Gustaf lifts his hand up, tucking a strand of Simons silver hair behind his ear.

Gustaf leans back in, planting another small kiss on the others lips
"I died with more regrets than I could possibly repent for, even with the second chance I've been given" this time he kisses Simons cheek "but this is the one thing I can make right with the precious little I've been given back" he kisses Simons other cheek "I love you Simon" they kiss for a moment before Gustaf starts again "I've loved you for years, the moment I met you I felt something in my life change for the better." Simon wraps his arms around Gustafs shoulders, pulling him into another kiss, this one more prolonged and passionate.

The mural on his wall flashes into Simons mind, he finally knew what the sparkle he had painted in Gustafs eyes meant, every time Gustaf had looked at him he had that sparkle in his eyes, Simon finally knew what that was

That was love

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