Chapter X. South Riverlands

Start from the beginning

It is the seat of House Roote but is named after the extinct House Harroway. Harroway has a seven-sided sept, a two-story inn, and a stone roundtower.

A wide, flat-bottomed boat at the ferry has a dozen oarlocks, a wooden house on its deck, and is decorated with two carved horse heads.

Harwin approaches Laela "There a raven came Ser Jaime agreed after Lyonel Dondarrion talked to him"

"That's weird, why did he accept after Lyonel talk to him"

 "Guess they had a good fight"

"I don't trust Lyonel and Lyanna leans for his good talking"

"You think Lyanna's daughter Eddard Stark will lean for him"

"Did you not see her with him"

"Lyanna is a good liar, Laela she has the family madness so do not worry about her"

"Gwen heard him and he was talking with Malia Hightower to play on Lyanna"

Harwin asks "Did you tell her?"

"Yes, She did not want to talk about it"

"Then there must be something in her head"

"And she is my babe sister and I must protect her"


I and the army arrive at Maidenpool. It is a town in the eastern Riverlands situated along the southern shore of the Bay of Crabs. It is the seat of House Mooton.

The castle at Maidenpool sits on a hill, and the town is walled. East of Maidenpool is hills and soldier pines.

There are two roads leading to King's Landing from Maidenpool, one a faster road that goes through Duskendale and the other which travels along the coast.

Maidenpool has a busy harbour and pink stone walls. The town is famed for its sweetwater bathhouse, Jonquil's Pool.

Maidenpool has a tavern called the Stinking Goose and numerous inns, including one near the Fool's Gate. The castle of House Mooton sits on a hill and includes Jonquil's Tower.

Fisherfolk northwest of Maidenpool fish the waters in leather coracles, while others collect clams.

Lyonel Dondarrion arrives riding his horse fast. The army stands on the side to let him approach me.

I ask "What did he say?"

Lyonel smiles "We have a deal" he jumps from his horse "We can do it and I send ravens to the tow lands to Bash, Harwin and Reagan"

"Great, Let's talk to the Lord of the land"


Narrator POV

In Stoney Sept, Reagan arrives with the army while Baelor Hightower waits for him with guards. The people watching him. Stoney Sept is a walled town in the southern Riverlands. It is located south of Acorn Hall, southeast of Pinkmaiden, and north of the Goldroad. The headwaters of the Blackwater Rush are nearby.

The heart of Stoney Sept is a market square with a fountain in the shape of a leaping trout. A brothel known as the Peach is located on the east side of the market. The town's namesake old sept sits on a hill. Below it is a stout holdfast of grey stone. Bronze bells and silver chimes can be heard throughout Stoney Sept.

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