Part 39

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Charles and I go down to the lobby together after showering and getting ready for dinner.

"Text me when you're at the restaurant," he says, leaning down and giving me a quick kiss.

Pierre comes up to us and grabs his arm, pulling him away from me. "She'll still look the same when you get back lover boy. Let's go. We're going to be late."

I laugh. "Text me too! Have fun! I love you!"

He gives me one last quick kiss. "I love you!"

Pierre drags him out of the door, just as I see Lily heading inside, looking around for me.

I walk over to her and she grins widely when she sees me.

"Looking good Oph! Turn around, let me see." she coos.

I laugh, giving a little twirl, showing off the white skirt and pink top that I'm wearing.

I look back at her, in her Cherry Red Cami Dress. "Dam Lil, you look hot!"

She curtsies. "Why thank you, my lady."

I link arms with her, laughing as we walk to the car.

We get in the back seat, and I greet the guys.

When we pull up to the restaurant, Lorenzo gives the valet the car keys and we head inside.

I sit between Arthur and Lily. Michael and Lorenzo are talking between themselves.

"Alors, Ophélie, es-tu prête à rentrer chez toi?" Jean asks, his arm over Lily's chair. (So, Ophelia, are you ready to go home?)

"Tu veux dire pour que je puisse enfin épouser Charles et qu'on puisse faire une pause dans cette folle année ? Absolument." I laugh, taking a sip of my soda. (You mean so I can finally marry Charles and we can take a break from this crazy year? Absolutely.)

Lily turns and whispers something in Jean's ear, making him go red.

"Je ne veux même pas savoir ce que tu viens de lui dire." I laugh and look at Arthur who is also laughing at them, wide-eyed. (I don't even want to know what you just said to him.)
Arthur and I burst out laughing as Jean stands up and pulls Lily out of her seat to follow him.

I look over at Lorenzo and Michael who are watching them, confused.

"Vous ne voulez pas savoir." Arthur laughs, shaking his head. (You don't want to know.)

Arthur and I join the conversation with Michael and Lorenzo, and only when the food arrives do Lily and Jean return to the table.

I look at Lily. "Couldn't wait until you got home?"

"Nope." Jean grins, digging into his food.

I shake my head, staring at him. "Where did you even- actually, no, I don't want to know."

He looks up at me. "N'utilisez pas la cabine trois dans les toilettes pour dames." (Do not use stall three in the ladies' room.)

Lorenzo bursts out laughing. "C'est un endroit chic ! Êtes-vous fou?" (It's a classy place! Are you crazy?)

Lily leans into me, whispering. "Mieux vaut ne pas lui dire que ce qu'on a fait n'était pas classe." (Better not tell him that what we did wasn't classy)

I choke on my food, laughing. "C'est mon frère! Beurk!" (That's my brother! Yuck!)

Lily and Jean both laugh loudly, mocking all of us for being shocked.

Once we're all done eating we sit around the table talking for a while, before we decide it's time to head back.

They drop me off at the hotel, and Michael insists on walking me up to our suite, to make sure I get in safely. Charles isn't back yet. I hug Michael and thank him for walking in with me, telling him I'll see him tomorrow. He tells me he'll wait until I've locked the door before he goes.

Ophélieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें