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After the assembly, Kenna's parents began to mill about, talking to different people. Kenna herself weaved through the masses until she was free from the crowd. She started walking along the grass, before the soft sound of something behind her made her glance back, to see KITT following behind.
Kenna grinned. It was the first time she'd seen him up close again since the attack. They'd called a few times during her stay in the hospital, but she hadn't been able to go out to see him.

"Hello, Kenna." He greeted softly, and she smiled, hurrying around to the passenger side door, which he promptly opened for her. She hopped inside, watching as the windows tinted as he began to drive again.
"Where are you going?" Kenna asked curiously.
"Away from here, before Michael notices that we've left." He replied, amusement clear in his tone. Kenna smirked as he pulled quickly and quietly out of the drive way, heading the same direction as they had the night before the attack, towards the park.

"How do you feel since our last talk, Ken?" KITT asked as she settled into the seat. "Better," she responded honestly. "It's pretty easy for me to forget I've got hearing aids," she went on, adjusting the said devices more comfortably. "I can almost hear better in some cases than before I had them."
She watched as KITT drove up the dirt slope into the park, coming to stop in front of the fence again.

"Kenna, I think there's one thing I can do that I haven't shown you yet," KITT said slowly, drawing her attention to the dash.
"What's that?" She questioned, raising a brow quizzically. She'd thought she already knew everything this magnificent supercar could do, especially after Michael's stories.
But he surprised her entirely, as suddenly the entire top of the car retreated from the top of the windshield, and the windows came down. Kenna's jaw dropped in awe as she watched the top fold into a compartment at the back, before another hidden section came forward, sliding over the folded top and the back seats.

Kenna couldn't help but laugh as she threw her hands up, gripping the top of the windshield joyously.
"Okay, KITT, you've officially amazed me. That's so sick!"
She grinned.
"I thought you would enjoy it," he replied, the virtual smile easily noticeable in his voice. "It's a feature RC3 installed some time ago."
Kenna knew who she was talking about, seeing as all of Michael's friends had come to visit her some time or another during her hospital stay. "Well RC is a genius." She smirked, letting her hands drop from the windshield.

She suddenly had an idea, pushing herself up onto the now covered top of the back seats, sliding herself over to the driver's side and slipping comfortably into the seat, letting her hand ever so gently graze the gear throttle, then slowly come down so that her fingers hovered over the input pad, not quite touching it yet.
There was a brief moment's pause before KITT spoke, softly and slowly.
"Kenna, what are you doing...?" He murmured, and she smiled lightly towards him.

"I want to thank you for being as awesome as you are, for rescuing me and my college, and for being there for me when no one else was." She said. She suddenly lifted her hands, hooking her arms around the steering yoke in an embrace.
"Thank you." She murmured honestly.
"You're welcome, Ken, but-" he cut off, and the slight disappointment in his tone made Kenna smile. She knew where this was headed, and for some reason, she knew what to do.
"But what, KITT?" She questioned softly.

"Oh, nothing," he replied. "I just... Thought you were going to do something else."
There was a tone in his voice that drew Kenna in and made her heart begin to pound, from nervous excitement more than anything. Slowly, she rested her hand on the gear throttle again, letting her ring and pinkie fingers dance over the input pad tauntingly.

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