Part 2

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-Shit, Lily are you okay? I hear Atlas deep exhausting voice and see him walking to me.
-Yeah, I am. I think one of the walls touched my leg a little before we got through the door. Out of now where I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, and I look back to see its Quinn. I guess the door was so heavy, so they decided to take off their hoodie and put it around their waist just wearing a black tank top under.
-It was supposed to be fun going here and discover new stuff until now when we were close to death. I'm sorry I dragged you guys to follow me here, I say seeing how everyone is looking at me while using their arms to get some sweat of their foreheads.
I'm trying to stand up while figuring out how we're supposed to get out of here to get back to the surface safe and with everyone in somewhat safe condition. I feel Atlas hand on my waist to keep me steady, so I don't fall.
-Hey now, take it slow and easy so you don't collapse. And you don't have to apologize for anything. We followed you here because we wanted to not because you forced us or anything. Tiago says standing in front of me patting my shoulder.
I try to turn around wobbling because of my hurt leg but Atlas keeping me steady and I see that the floor ahead of us after what I would guess is 5 meters have lines of multiple blocks, I'm counting 5 blocks each row and 4-5 lines, it's hard to see when everything is almost dark expect a little light coming out of 4 bad lights in each corner in the room. I don't think the others put too much thought to it so I'm trying to walk over to Quinn but then they start screaming at Tiago.
-Lily told us to not touch anything that looked suspicious! Quinn says repeating what I said before going inside the factory. Tiago rarely cries or show any kind of negative emotions, so he just stands almost behind me and Atlas.
-Oh well, did you stop me though? Quinn's eyes just get smaller and bite their cheek but doesn't say anything.
-Guys I think I found our way out of here but we're going to have to figure out how to get over there. I said shaking because I've been standing for a long amount of time even with help of Atlas. Both Tiago and Quinn start walking closer me and Atlas acting like nothing happened a minute ago.
-How are we going to do that? Atlas said curious with a calm low voice next to me still holding my waist but a little tighter now than last before.
We walk forward a little and I point at the weird stone blocks. There are different shapes on the platforms like a square, a circle, a triangle, a sun, and a diamond. I'm trying to sit without falling and Atlas carefully holds my hand in case something was to happen. I put down my right leg at the stone platform at the left corner which is a circle it didn't even pass one second and the stone platform was gone.
-I think we must walk on these platforms to get to the other side. But I think we must walk on the one's with the same symbol or it could be different, but we got to try if we want to get out of here. I say shaking knowing if you fall, you're dead because if you look down you can't even see anything 1 meter down or further. I see Atlas dragging me back on safe ground and letting go of my hand so he can crouch and put his leg on one of the platforms with a square, and his foot touch it I hear a breaking sound and the platform fall as the first one did without knowing if it's water, cement ground or anything else at the bottom since you can't hear anything at the bottom. Third time the chance on the platform with a triangle on and I'm waiting one second and seeing if it falls but it doesn't fall. Atlas is smart so he tries again just to make sure, and it stays up. I'm just seeing Atlas going forward and standing on the platform.
-I can figure out which platform that you're supposed to go on and you follow me after, so we all get over safe without falling, he says without hesitating.
There is a special charm in Atlas, and that is how he doesn't show fear much and react quick on things. I've always liked him for that and he's confident too which I guess is good most times but not when it's about life or death and I do not want him dead. He is crouching down and checking the platform with the triangle on that's the third platform from the left side in front of him and it didn't fall. I'm scared it would take longer for the platform to fall but it didn't fall.
-I think it's maybe the ones with triangles on. Atlas says going on the first platform with a triangle on Atlas slowly crouches and puts his right hand on the platform in front of him with a triangle on while he has his left hand on the platform he's on right now to keep being steady.
I don't know how the platforms are standing still while there's nothing holding them from under since they fall seconds after something touches them and I can't see any kind of poles under the platforms. It could be magnets pushing from each other but that wouldn't explain the ones you can stand on since it's too much weight. Atlas goes forward while still crouching and the platform he pressed at before seems to still be steady and safe.
-You doing okay man? I hear Tiago saying breaking the tense feeling and the quiet in the room.
I'm scared something would come out of the walls, for example arrows like in the Indiana Jones movies. I've seen too many movies with my family but when you're in a place like this you can imagine anything can happen, when you've seen a secret button open a big part of a floor and walls starting to move against each other with the purpose to destroy you can think anything is possible after that point.
"Should we wait until he's over fully or go at the platforms after him?" I ask Quinn and Tiago. Quinn is like my older sibling, so I listen to them often for tips or advice.
I'd say the safe option and say that we should go one at a time in case someone accidentally lose their balance and fall. If someone falls and hit someone else everyone can fall." Quinn says with their arms crossed over their chest. I look at Atlas and Tiago and they both just nod quick both being focused on Atlas getting over safely, and Atlas keeps going. He looks confident now but the platform with the triangle on is ahead of him and one platform to the right. He's tall so he'll get over easily. He tries to get some speed and he just sprint over the platform and the last two remaining platforms with the triangles on that were to the wall on the right side. Quinn goes next, a little slow to be sure they're steady and don't fall but they got over eventually, and I can see them bending over to be steady and catching their breath, and I don't know why I had to go before Tiago. I don't like to put myself before other people, but I can't obey Tiago since I trust him. I just wanted us all to get out of here alive and safe because it's my fault we're all here in the first place.
-You did great Quinn, Atlas says and gives her a high five. After Quinn got over without too much trouble I start to walk. I'm shaking a little while going on the first platform because I know- we all know if you accidentally take one step wrong or fall you can say goodbye to tomorrow because you won't see the next day. I jump quick over to the second still with steady balance. I'm catching my breath for a second so I can keep my concentration, I look at Atlas and his black eyes who's in front of me with Quinn on his right side and I get on the third platform that's on the right side and one platform ahead of me. I get on the platform that is also in front of me on the right side. 1 more to go I think to myself, I get some speed and take a small jump. I wiggle and Atlas takes my hand, so I get safe off the last platform. Tiago is the only one on the other side and is the last one to go. You can see in his eyes he is anxious. He takes a deep breath and goes on the first platform. He doesn't look as confident as he usually is, but I believe in him, and he gets on the second platform with ease. When it's time for him to jump on the platform in front of him on the right side he crouches to get steady again after jumping. On the last platform in front of him he takes a deep breath so you can see his chest moving up and down slowly. I'm thinking there's only one platform left and then we'll all be safe. Just when he's about to walk on the last stone block with a triangle on he slips and lose his balance. I'm trying to reach for his hand with one of my legs on the last block but just when I'm about to reach for him he falls backwards, and Atlas takes my wrist, so I don't fall with Tiago to the black void even though no one knows what's on the bottom if there even is a bottom so say.
Tiago falls on the 2 blocks behind him which has a circle and a diamond until he disappears into the unknown with the blocks.
-Did anyone hear anything when he fell down?! I ask feeling tears in eyes and my throat hurting, having hope he just fell in water or something soft that they couldn't hear and that he is safe and that we'll find a way to get him out of there. But when I look at the others, they just shake their heads and with sadness in their eyes. I fall on my knees on the concrete floor not even caring if it hurts my leg even more. My eyes hurt more than my wound on my leg right now. My eyes get watery and feels like they're burning. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and lift me head and turn around to see Atlas behind me. I see how he looks sad as well but doesn't show it too much. I see Quinn standing a little behind him trying not to cry like me and just looks up trying to not show their tears.
-We must get out of here and we will mourn for Tiago later. Hey maybe he's still alive, the only thing we can do is hope, Atlas says not trying to sound cold just caring about the rest of us while taking my hand and helping me up from the floor. I lean against his chest.
-Promise we'll look for him later... I whisper to Atlas with my head on his chest for a while and I can hear his heart beating a little faster than normal but not much until we keep going. I just want this to be over as fast as possible and I don't think I'm the only one that thinks that.
We keep walking and after not even 10 minutes of walking I see Quinn stop walking and both me and Atlas looks at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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