250 years before canon

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It has been 50 years since the nameless hero sealed the evil dragon Veldora inside a cave. Contrary to popular believes, Veldora by no means evil . He was just curious and lonely. His curiosity is the reason that he gained his unique skill investigator He can't control his magicules perfectly. He can't suppress it. So no monster never came to him. His sisters always tell him to supress his magicules without telling him how to do it. And by no means he had courage to ask them. After knowing about naming monsters, he tried to make them stronger,that they can stand in his presence and It had been three years since he made a friend. He named a unique monster. He was a hybrid of an ogre and a harpy. He named him Shino. One day he found that he had been killed. His body was taken by a vampire for research. He was enraged. He went and destroyed the city of vampires. No destroying the city was not his main goal. His goal was to hunt down the vampire, that had killed his friend. He destroyed the castle of the queen of vampires. He finally killed the culprit and returned to his domain. Only to be sealed by a human afterward. This unique skill unlimited imprisonment sealed away his unique skill investigator so he cannot even analyse his seal. But he didn't know that the world has granted his wish. It has been fifty years since his magicules had been gathering to a single place. Not dispersing around the entire cave. It has finally formed an egg.Unaware of this fact, Veldora is sulking inside his prison.


'Ahhhh ! My head hurts. I am alive ! No way ! I cutted of both of my arteries in my hand. There was a voice, I heard while my consciousness was fading away. What was that voice ? Where the hell am I ?'
<<You are inside your egg.>>
'Am I hearing things ?'
'It is so dark in hear.'

<<You are in the sealed cave of Veldora in the great forest of Jura. And the voice was the voice of the world.>>
. . . . . .. . 
'who are you ?'
<<This is the effect of your unique skill informer.>>
'What ! Am I in a game ? Or was I reincarnated ? Wait a second what the hell is a unique skill ?'
<<Unique skills are unique to a specific individual.>>
'Ok so do I have any other unique skill except you informer ?'
<<Yes you have the unique skill operation >>
'So what are the powers of these unique skills ?'
<<Unique skill informer has these effects.
Information on the world upto unique level.
Thought acceleration
Analysis and asses
Multiple parallel thought processing.

Unique skill operation has these effects.
Operation room (a perticular room created by user. Inside the room, space and time can be manipulated as user's desires. )
Law manipulation
Cut and paste
All of creation
Special domination
Chrono domination.>>
The male robotic voice told me.
(It is basically ope ope no mi on a lot of steroids.)

'So my suicide attempt failed. Haahhh !'
If I remember correctly, the voice earlier told me something about non-human body.
'Hey informer ! What am I.'
<<You are a new born arch dragon. You have yet to come out of your egg.>>

I seriously am an idiot.
Alright ! Let's try to break it. I can feel my limbs. I should punch it. Wait ! Punching won't do ! I can barely move !

(After a lot of struggle, finally the egg broke.)

I can't open my eyes. So I asked informer for help. It helped me acquiring magic sence.
I have to admit information kun is OP. He has all the information of this world. He told me that I was born from leaking magicules of storm dragon Veldora. Who is one of the four true dragons. Which means I am his offsprings. So I decided to meet him. I don't know what will be his reaction . But he is sealed inside the unlimited imprisonment. So I guess he can't atleast kill me.
It took me god knows how much time to walk and get accustomed to my new body.
Then I went in the direction, where the large presence was.
Then I saw him. A big jet black and deep blue dragon with shining golden eyes. He was majestic. He was looking at me with curiosity.
'Dad' I thought unintentionally.
Then I heard a voice in my head.
'Can you here me little one ?'
'Yes .'
'That's great. I am the great storm dragon Veldora. Who are you? You seems to be an arch dragon but you are so small.'
'I was born as an arch dragon. I was born from your magicules. I was born just a week ago. So ofcourse I will be small. I even haven't eaten anything yet. It is not that I am hungry anyway.'
'. . . . .'
'Ho you have intelligence ! From your size, you are a new born. And you have already this much knowledge !'
He said excitedly.
' How did you get sealed here  ?'
Then he told me about his previous underling or friend that he named, how he got killed, how he destroyed vampires, and how he got sealed by the hero .
I think I should also tell him my story as well.
'Actually I was a human.'
'What !' he asked surprised.
' I died in my previous world and got reborn here.'
'I have never heard someone reincarnating here.  Tell me more.'
' I was an orphan. I didn't know what love is. Until he came to my life. My name was Nibara. His name was Sishui. He was my teacher. But he did a lot more than just teaching me. Just like me He didn't have a family. I treated him like my big brother. He was from Japan. As from another country, he couldn't officially adopt me. But he was my only family. I studied hard and became an aeronautic engineer. But then one day everything changed . I was 25. I wasn't naive. I have grown up seeing how much cruel and greedy fellow humans can be. Sure there are some good people, but they are really very few. One day I received a call that Sishui had an road accident. He was badly injured. Both of his legs were useless. And both of his kidneys got damaged badly. He needed an kidney transplant. I did everything I could to arrange money and save him. I paid all the money they demanded. I couldn't found a kidney doner. So I donated one of my own kidney to him. But everything was in vein. He was already dead. Later I found the cause. He was dead since an hour, he reached the hospital. Because the hospital didn't start the operation till I paid all the money. I couldn't even meet him in his last moments because the doctors send me to collect money. I was broken. I did everything in my power to get justice. Ran to courts and lawyers day after day. But they didn't get me any results. So I did the last thing possible. I made a live YouTube video of my own death. I showed every evidence I had and then died. All I wished that if there is something like reincarnation, I never want to be a human again. I don't know what are my other wishes. But here I am.'

After I told him my story, we got silent for a moment.

'looks like you hate humans.'
'I don't hate them. But I don't like them either.'
'Alright ! Depressing matter aside, what are you going to do now ?'
'I think I will stay here with you for now. This world is dangerous. I want to atleast some control over my skills. And technically you are my parent. So I think I will find a way to free you.'
'You !'
'Are you seriously crying ? And don't give me that look ! It looks wierd coming from a dragon !'
'Ah ! Let's give you a name. I know ! How about you give me a family name !'
'Ok. Hmmmmm yeah ! How about Tempest. It is related to storm. '
"So from now on your name will be Asima Tempest. And I will be Veldora Tempest. "
A large amount of magicules left Veldora.
<Individual Asima Tempest evolution to dragonoid will now begin.>
The same robotic voice that I heard before death was ringing in my head. Soon after I lost consciousness.


(Note - Veldora has more magicules than canon. In canon he would have survived 400 years inside the seal. But in this story, he would have survived 600 years if not for naming Asima.)

Reincarnated as Veldora's daughter Where stories live. Discover now