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Start from the beginning

Michael took off at a run, meeting up with the first paramedics that had arrived on scene. KITT, in the mean time, had been scanning the building. His spirits fell as he scanned the two top floors. The top most floor was carnage; no one had expected the bombs, of course, so no one had thought to leave their dorms. Too many rooms on the top floor held bio signs even KITT felt incredibly sickened to see, and he'd never felt such a way before.
The second floor wasn't as bad, and he was able to inform the paramedics, with Michael's help, of the students who needed attention.

The other floors were empty, except for the fourth floor. One bio sign stood out, just at the entrance to the stairs, faint yet noticeable.

He urged Michael to tell the paramedics to rescue her; she needed immediate attention. He promised that they would, but his driver quickly became focused on something else as a police officer approached him, saying something KITT couldn't hear over the surrounding noise.
Michael turned and jumped in the car with haste, keying the engine on and throwing the car in reverse to pull out of the drive way.
"The cops spotted the perpetrators in hoods and dark clothing leaving the scene, they have them going west on Cityview road at high speed. Check your scanners, see if you can find them!"

KITT did so immediately, spotting a speeding vehicle on the aforementioned road.
"I have them Michael."

Michael threw the car in pursuit mode, flooring it onto the road and gaining on the perpetrator's vehicles with ease. They drove a large pick-up truck, driving dangerously as they swerved between cars on the road, and blew stop signs.
As they approached an intersection, the pick-up blasted the red light, managing to squeeze through before the oncoming traffic began to flow on the intersecting road.
"It's time to show them who we really are." Michael declared, his fingers hovering above the most used button on the dash.

At the right moment, he pressed the red button, and KITT felt the helium in his tires build up until, at last, the build-up sent his nose upwards, propelling the car clean off the ground. They soared over the traffic, his wheels still spinning in the air as they began the descent. They came down with a soft thud and screech of tires, the pick-up still in clear view. It turned, making its way onto a much less used road surrounded by fields of polluted and dying grasses and patches of dirt and dust.

"We can easily overtake them now, Michael. Please!" KITT urged, his fear for Kenna adding extra determination.
Michael agreed, twisting the steering yoke and pressing the gas pedal, swerving the car around in front of the pick-up.
The truck screeched, spinning out of control and slamming into KITT with a smash, causing an unpleasant rocking sensation to shudder through him. KITT was easily able to identify the three people in the car. It were the three from the Azure Vipers. His scanners locked on the one leading the operation: Carlos Freeman.

"You take Carlos?" Michael asked, as he hopped out of the car.
KITT responded with a determined wirr of his scanner, as the three men took off from their truck in opposite directions. Michael tackled the nearest, while KITT threw his gear throttle forward to the maximum gear, driving forward and chasing Carlos as he booked it across the dusty, open field.

He remembered Kenna, and her bio-signs on his scanners; her pulse weak, and breathing shallow. He was truly unsure if she would make it, and this thought sent a shiver of cold hatred and anger through his circuits.
He overtook Carlos, swinging himself around so that the man crashed straight into him. The man scrambled to get up, but KITT reversed, opening his door so that it slammed into Carlos from behind, causing him to tumble to the ground. Uncharacteristic anger had taken over KITT's actions, and he slammed his door closed, driving forward with as much force as he could, swinging the steering yoke so that he slammed into Carlos with his rear fender.

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