Eyeball Imagine

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Warnings: Angst?

Author's note: I don't have a name for this imagine yet, But I've been having the urge to write this. Expect a part two later. I'll probably going to update the chapter with a name later.

"what are you doing!?" Eyeball says getting up from my attempt to cuddle with him.
I just got home from work, I'm tired and all day I thought of coming home and cuddle on the couch with my boyfriend, Richard Eyeball Chambers. Yes, part of the Cobras.
"I just want to cuddle 'ya. Thought you wanted the same." I explain to him while I'm still sitting on the couch of our little house.
"Cuddles? I don’t do that kind of crap. You think I’m like those other guys, sweet talk and be romantic and buy you flowers?  I’m not those kind of guys."
"What the hell is wrong with you today huh?" I aks him a little disappointed.
"I just say what I think and I just do what I want to. You think you can handle that?"
He shrugs, not caring. Of course, I don't know why but this week he's being a dick with me. He currently is not working, well if you count what he does with his friends. I don't hate them but we are not that friendly. So I'm the only one that gets up early in the morning, goes to work on the Blue Point dinner every single day, gets home tired and misses her boyfriend.
"You know Richard? I just had a shitty day at work today, and the only thing I needed was cuddling with you but I see I'm not that important to you. Keep having that bad boy charade."
I know everything was too soon. But when we started to go out I was so in love with him, he was so nice to me. We understood each other. Almost same shitty family problems. We thought that it would be better, since we were being a couple, to get out of our houses and move together. And after almost one year of being together, we did it. And at first it was nice, it was comfortable. We felt good... But it's not like that anymore...
"Wow, that’s all it takes for you to turn on me.  You know what?  I don’t care.  I have options, you’re not the only girl around Castle Rock," He spits at me angry. "If you want to throw it all away, go ahead but just know, you’re replaceable.  I can move on to some other girl, no problem."
He didn't just...
"Wow..." I get up from the couch, my eyes feeling heavy. Tears starts to go down from my eyes. "F*ck you!" I yell at him while going away crying to our bedroom to go and start packing my stuff.
"Yeah, run away then.  You know you’ll be back.  You’re addicted to me.  You might think you need something special in a guy, but you’re just in love with my attitude. 
You know what they say?  Some girls just love the bad boys." He tells me while follow me from behind.
I ignore him, just getting concentrating on picking the essential. That seems to irritate him more so he grabs me by the arm, making me stop.
"I’m not done with you!  You might get sick of my crap, but I know you won’t be happier with some other guy. They’re all just like me but a little bit less. I’ve seen it happen over and over.  You’ll come running back to me.  You know you can’t quit me."
I snap out of his grasp.
"I won't. And you know what? Because I'm not gonna be here for that. No. I'm tired, it's over Richard. You have plenty of girls waiting for you. Go ahead and have a good time with those girls. I'm tired. This is over."
I manage to pack everything so fast I don't give him time to talk or follow me.
I close my suitcase and go to the door, and without looking back, I just open it and then I slammed it, closing it.
Goodbye Castle Rock. Goodbye Richard.

Ace Merrill/ Eyeball Chambers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now