The Moment We've All Been Waiting For!

Start from the beginning

"Bye, guys!" Chica called. You watched the two leave, standing in silence with the two other men. You looked over at the two, noticing Michael was on his phone.

"Let's head to that cafe place now," Michael said, walking forward. You and Jeremy followed behind him out of the restaurant. You led the two to your car and got into the driver's seat. Michael sat in the passenger seat and Jeremy sat in the back. You fiddled with the radio, putting on some random rock channel.

"So where's this cafe?" You asked, turning to Michael.

"I'll give you directions while you drive," Michael replied with a smile. You drove out of the parking lot, mind going over the events as Jeremy and Michael chatted idly. Michael would occasionally turn to you and give directions, requesting you make multiple turns to get to the destination.

"Yeah so I told him like, I don't know man! I'm a technician, not a cook or technician!" Jeremy exclaimed, telling a story to Michael you were only half paying attention to. "But he keeps droning on, and on, and on. So I get tired of his shit, and just walk off. Then he grabbed the back of my shirt and yelled-" Jeremy was cut off mid-sentence as you arrived at the cafe.

"We're here," You said, unbuckling your seatbelt. Jeremy did the same, leaning forward to put a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"I'll tell you the rest later," Jeremy smiled before exiting the car. You turned to glance at Michael and saw him blushing at how close Jeremy had just gotten to him. You rolled your eyes and exited the vehicle, Michael quickly doing the same. The three of you walked into the cafe, taking in the scenery of the place. There were hanging plants from the ceiling and the lights were low and dim which was nice on your eyes. The seats looked comfortable and most importantly you noticed how there were a plethora of cats running around playing and being pet by customers. Your eyes lit up and you turned excitedly to Michael.

"THIS IS A CAT CAFE?" You exclaimed, a large smile on your face. Michael nodded and laughed while Jeremy bent down to pet a cat that was rubbing up against his leg and purring.

"Yeah, I knew you'd like it so I wanted to surprise you," Michael said before turning and scoping out the place to find the best seat. You, Michael and Jeremy walked over to a booth in the corner of the room that was currently unoccupied. Michael picked up a menu and began looking through it as you got distracted by the cats curiously approaching you. One hopped onto the table and began meowing so you pet its soft fur. Michael turned towards you.

"What do you want to order?" He asked. You looked away from the cute kitty and paused to think.

"Do they have [Favorite Meal]?" You asked him. He scanned the menu over again before nodding his head.

"Yeah, they do," He replied.

"I'll just have that then with some [Favorite Drink]," You said.

"I'll get a burger with bacon, some fries and a coke," Jeremy said to Michael. Michael smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'll go order. You two definitely owe me for buying your food though," Michael stated. You rolled your eyes and laughed, standing up momentarily to let Michael slip out of the booth. You sat back down and slid down the seat towards the wall, the cat walking over to lay in front of you while you pet it.

"I love cats," Jeremy beamed as he reached over to give the cat pets. You nodded in agreement, scritching the cat's chin. You realized that the cat had the collar in and grabbed the small charm dangling from it, reading the text engraved into the metal. It said the cat's name, which was Havoc. The cat seemed to be a younger cat, and was pitch black with wide yellow eyes. It was a very cute cat and you thought the name was funny.

After a few minutes of you and Jeremy petting the cat and talking about whatever came to mind, Michael returned and sat beside you, across from Jeremy. "They said the food will be ready soon," Michael announced to the table. Havoc sniffed at him before starting to play-fight with Michael's hand. Havoc eventually got tired and jumped off the table and onto the space between you and Michael, laying in a comfortable position as its tail flicked slowly from side to side. You smiled down at the cute cat, petting along his back. Eventually your food arrived, and the three of you dug in. The [Favorite Meal] was good, it wasn't the best you've ever had but it was definitely up there. The drink was also nice and refreshing. You watched in shock and maybe just a tad bit of horror as Jeremy inhaled his burger like it was air. It was like you took a single bite of food and he was just done with the whole thing, it was a big burger, too.

"Holy fuck it was yours bro, we weren't gonna steal your food," You gawked. Michael looked over at Jeremy and was taken aback at the pure speed in which the other ate. Jeremy just shrugged, like it was no big deal, which it wasn't but still holy shit.

"I had a really short lunch break at Chuck E. Cheese's so I learned how to eat really fast," Jeremy explained to the both of you. Michael furrowed his brow, swallowing the bite of food he had in his mouth.

"What... there is no way in hell that your lunch break was so short that you needed to learn how to eat that fast you fucking trashcan," Michael said dumbfoundedly. You nodded your head in agreement with Michael's words, taking another bite of your food. Jeremy just shrugged before taking a long sip from his drink. You and Michael continued eating at a normal person pace, actually getting the chance to enjoy your meal instead of devouring it like a starving orphan peasant boy in the 18th century. Once you both had finished, you were full and content. Jeremy looked at his phone, checking the time.

"I think we should get going. [Name], could you drive me to the pizzeria so that I can get my car?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, of course. And Michael, I'll drive you home," You said to the brunette beside you. The three of you got out of the booth, giving one last goodbye to the adorable cat before heading out. You got back in your car, driving back to the pizzeria so that you could drop off Jeremy. Michael said his house was a little bit down the road from the pizzeria, but you still told him that you could drop him off at his house so that he wouldn't have to walk in the pitch dark on a colder night. He eventually agreed, which led to where you were now, parked right outside his house. You noted how the house was much larger than you thought it would be, and you wondered how much money William made in a year.

"Thanks again for driving me home, [Name]!" Michael thanked, giving you a side-hug after unbuckling his seatbelt. You returned the hug the best you could.

"It's no problem, Michael. See you tomorrow at work!" You called as Michael exited the car and walked up to the front door of his house, grabbing a key from his pocket and unlocking the door. He gave you a final wave goodbye for entering the house and closing the door behind him. You started your car again, driving away from the house down near-empty roads to finally get back to your own.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now