chapter one ••• "high school day"

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Rebby pov:

Me, Mary, Rojelyn, and Justin were just hanging out in my mother's office when my mother said something.

"Rebby, when did your teachers say the high school day was gonna be on again?"

"Huh? What high school day?" I looked at her confused, so did my friends, Mary didn't seem to be surprised though, she was just looking at her phone with a poker face, though her face was if it were from excitement.

"High school day, when you guys all have events, activities, and games."
My mom answered.

"I heard about this..I'm not really sure when it's gonna happen though. "
Mary replied still not looking away from her phone.

"Mary, what are you even looking at? You've been on your phone for the whole day, you need to look at us for sometimes you know?" I blurted at her in annoyance.

She just smiled and said; "you don't want to know."

"Oh my God !! She's reading smut fanfics !!" My other friend Justin squeezed in the conversation.

"I swear to God, who I don't even believe in I will end your life." She said sternly looking away from her phone, her gaze fixated upon a laughing Justin.

"I heard it's on January 31st? And I also heard there's a horror house thing going on' on that time, I'm excited!!" Rojelyn exclaimed clapping both of her hands together while her voice was in a happy, sing-song tone.

"Change topic !" Mary said "so..Rebby, you know who Azeru is?" She smirked.

Oh..boy..not this again..

"Hm? Who? No, no I don't" I replied casually.

"You're missing out then." She said laughing to herself.

"Azeru? The audio guy? I know him, he's kinda overrated for me."
Justin butted in.

"Eks-ki-yus-ami?!" Mary said in a mad tone. "You did not just call him, 'overrated' you bitch.

"Oh boy, not this again." I mentally face palmed when they started arguing over whoever this Azeru guy is.

"Guys, imagine if there was an actual killer there?" Rojelyn laughed.

The two stopped fighting and Mary returned to her poker face self whilst Justin laughed at Rojelyn's little theory. 'Tch, bipolar mfs'

"Well, if it is true that there's a haunted house thing going on, I'd certainly flirt with the ghosts there" she said laughing, we laughed with her.

"I also heard that Chloe is gonna be there since she's part of the band." Rojelyn said.

"'re saying I might flirt with Chloe?" Mary chuckled nervously while pretending to gag.

"BWAHAHAHHAA what, no way that's gonna happen, you're too much of a pussy to do such thing " I laughed at her in response.

"Is that a challenge?" She smirked, she was seriously gonna do it? Well, it is Mary, I don't know what to expect from her.

"Wait, isn't it 28 now? So the event will be on Monday?" My mom said out of the blue, making us stop from our conversation.

"Oh! That sounds nice, we all should go to the said horror house! How much is the entrance fee?" Mary asked.

"15 per head, must be fun, make sure not to scream though!" Rojelyn answered.

"Ha! Is that even a challenge!?" Mary raised her eyebrows.

Knowing Mary, she isn't the easily scared type, so it would be nice to have her as a leader.
..and probably let her lead us to the exit since she's the one with good eyesight in our group.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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