Chapter 1

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(Little author's note but Monty's accent is written out here. It might be a bit jarring if you're unfamiliar with written accents like that. I used my own accent as inspiration (Ozarks, if anyone's curious), but I figured it was close enough to a more southern accent it'd be alright. Love y'all! <3)

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

A soft, familiar silence took over the Pizzaplex after closing. It was a very serene sort of time, the large mall without the bustling life of its guests took on an eerie silence filled only with the buzz of lights and the echoing footsteps of the occasional staff or attraction going to a different location.

However, from time to time, Monty found himself enjoying the tranquility of the gigantic rooms, barren of life. He craved these empty moments, left with nothing but his thoughts. He loved the kids, of course - it was his programming to do so - from time to time, though, all he needed was this silence: a mental recharge after a day of nothing but screaming, excited fans and the loud, blaring speakers during performances.

Tonight, he found himself wandering Rockstar Row, a hall that led from one side of the main stage to the other, connecting with he and his bandmates' rooms in between. The layout, from left to right, goes as such: Freddy Fazbear, Roxanne Wolf, himself - Montgomery Gator, and ending on Chica the Chicken. He always wondered why she featured no last name as they did, but she didn't mind, so neither did he.

The hallway had them placed deceivingly far from each other, the space left for lines for meet and greets taking up more space than he generally realizes, so the walk from one end to another is still a satisfying one - though he would like to go further, to the dismay of security, who always get frightened with his heavy footsteps.

The carpet dampens his steps as he passes Roxy's room, and he takes a short moment to listen to her, shredding away on her keytar. He rolls his eyes with a smile, how typical of her to practice, even if she doesn't need to.

He walks onward, paying no mind to the band leader's room.

God, how jealous he was of Freddy. He was so adored, so loved and idolized. Freddy was the brand's goody-two-shoes mascot, he always had such a bright feeling to him - it was aggravating. God, how Monty wanted to see him show any emotion besides his happy-go-lucky smile, or the optimistic smirk he had before a performance.

Monty's hatred did not deter him from enjoying his walk, however, until he noticed an odd sound..


A sob, softened by something between him and the person, arose from behind him, dancing across his sensors as gently as they had emerged. He turned behind himself to find the culprit, but was only met with the silent hall he was familiar with.

He listened again, and found it to be emerging from none other than Freddy's room.

He peered inside, though feeling a bit uncomfortable with invading his (though only superficially) superior's room, his optics were met with the once towering bear now hugging his knees as he sat on the floor, a muffled sniffle just barely audible. He sat surrounded by plushies of himself varying in size and accuracy, causing the bear to blend into his background. His back faced the couch pressed onto the right wall.

Monty's eyes widen, in shock or horror he does not know - and his eyebrows furrow in worry.

The alligator slinks silently to the main door to the bear's room, giving a gentle knock before pressing the button to let himself in.

"Hey, Fred. Are you.. okay?"

The door slides into the wall, and he is met face-to-face with the bear.

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