Stay with me

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Dom's POV
I woke up next to Colson and dragged myself out of bed, carefully so, to not wake him. I went to have a shower and afterwards I made us some breakfast. I walked back into our bedroom to see that he was still asleep. I sat down our plates and walked over to him. "Kells, it's time to wake up...", I whispered softly as I ran my hand down his back, caressing the tattooed skin gently. He groaned and turned around to face me. I leaned down and kissed him softly, smiling at the blond. He smiled back, grabbed me by the hips and pulled me on top of him, cradling me into his chest. I smiled to myself as he did so. "I made breakfast, luv", I said. "Thanks, babe, you're the best", he replied groggily. We continued just laying there in each other's arms and enjoyed the peaceful silence. That was until my ADHD kicked and I pulled away to take the plates and placed one beside him. He sat up, making me sit on his lap. He kissed my cheek before starting to eat. He fed me and afterwards we cuddled an hour or two, just talking and being all cheesy. Later that day we went to the mall to get some stuff and as we approached one of the stores I heard someone yell Colsons name. We turned around and my heart nearly stopped. There stood Megan in a really short dress, which barely covered her body at all and around her waist were two arms wrapped. Those arms belonged to a tall guy, whose face was all too familiar to me, since he was the main-character of all my nightmares for good two years. I was frozen in place, as panic and shock took over my body. Colson seemed to have noticed too, coz not a second later I felt his grip around my waist tighten. I was scared. Honest fear was settling heavily in my chest. My breathing got really slow and sounded now more like choking. "What the fuck do you want, Megan, and why do you have this criminal with you?!", yelled Colson at her. She looked confused. "That's my brother", she said. My eyes widened even more. I wanted to run away. The guy, that shoved his dick inside me until I started to bleed, against my will, is the brother of the girl that threatened to take my boyfriend, or well, husband, from me. How the fook did he got out from prison?! I felt my legs give in under me and I lost my balance. Colson noticed that and directly caught me. "Hey, Dom! It's all going to be alright, okay? I'm here, Dom!", he said and looked into my eyes intensely. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I'm going to have a really bad panic attack. "What's up with him?", asked Megan. Although her tone was everything but caring her mocking look was slightly laced with concern. But only slightly. I tried to speak but only could stutter. Finally a sentence left my mouth. "He raped me!!", I whisper-screamed. Colson held me tighter and tried to calm me down. I saw Megan separate herself from her brother and looked at him with widened eyes as her smile faded. "Is that true?!", she said. "Of course not, that boy's delusional!!", he shouted. My head snapped up. "Delusional?! I can remember your face, your ugly satisfied smile while enjoying yourself! I can remember your voice, telling me if I stayed quiet no one will know about it!! I remember the pet names you'd call me!! If you can call "whore" and "slut" a pet name!! Some may enjoy being called those pet names, but I surely don't!!!", I shouted back at them. Megan slapped her hand over her mouth while saying a quiet "oh my god". "You-you raped someone?! You raped my crush's boyfriend?! You raped Dom?! He's a person, he has feelings, that fucking hurt him!! Worse, that traumatized him!! How could you, how could my own brother become a raper?! How?! You knew how it destroyed me when I was raped, how, after seeing how much pain that causes, how could you even possibly think about doing that to someone else?! And to someone as pure as him?! I don't like him cause he's married to my crush, but that doesn't mean he isn't pure or that he deserves that kind of pain!! Are you out of your mind?!", she screamed at her brother. I looked at her in shock. "Meg, let me explain..-", he started before being interrupted. "What is there to be explained, you fucking raped someone!!", she screamed back at him. She buried her face in her hands before letting them slump back to her sides. She turned to me. "I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry about everything you had to endure because of us, so sorry!", she said. I looked at her. "I don't quite know what to answer. I was going for "it's alright" but it's not. But I'll forgive you. My pain's not your fault. Just don't come near Colson. Or me", I said and buried my face in Colsons chest. She nodded. Colson kept the other male in place while Megan called the security guards of the mall to take her brother. After he was gone she turned to walk away, but I called out to her again. "I'm sorry you had to endure the same as me. I'm sorry you had to see your brother be locked away for a crime which destroyed your mental health years ago. I'm sorry I married your crush. But I can understand all these feelings. All those different types of pains I endured them all. My dad was imprisoned when I was only nine. My crush had a kid with a girl a few years ago. They also got married. That all hurt. But it all kind of turned to background noise after being with Colson. Maybe you'll also find a person, who'll make you forget about your pain. I wish upon the stars, that you will have that some day", I said. Her eyes were filled with tears as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged back as I heard her whisper a small "thank you" in my ear, soon we parted again and she turned around and walked away. I then turned back to my husband. He looked at me in awe. "You handled that so well, babe, I'm so proud of you! Dom, I love you so much!", he said before hugging me. I of course immediately hugged back. As we parted I placed my lips on his and enjoyed the feeling of his hands in my hair. We finally got our stuff and left the mall. Back home we cuddled and watched tv. The exhaustion of the day made me very tired so I fell asleep relatively fast. Colson carried me to our bedroom. I woke up to the sound of my door being slammed open. "Where's my baby?!", shouted Hailey. She ran over to mine and Colsons bed and threw herself on top of me and pulled me into a hug. We just laid there and talked. I told her everything while she combed her fingers through my hair. She looked at me lovingly and told me I did really well. I smiled at her and snuggled into her side. Soon I heard someone enter the room. I saw Colson as he faked a gasp. "Dom, you're cheating on me?!", he said in fake shock. He smiled at both of us affectionately after he said that. Hailey laughed and I chuckled amused as he put a glass of water on the night stand. "No seriously, what are you doing in mine and Dom's bed?", he asked smiling. "Comforting my baby brother after a trauma relive, duh", she said and rolled her eyes, before going back to grinning. "And I know how much he loves to cuddle. So I gave him some cuddles!", she added and seemed satisfied with herself. "Where's Ash, by the way?", I asked and looked at Hailey. "She's out. Buying some groceries", she answered. "Oh, okay. Hey! Let's like do a sleep over, just us, Ashley and maybe also Tom and Adam. How does that sound?", I asked. "Yah, sure, let's call them!", said Hailey and arranged it all. We ended up doing a movie marathon and slept in all over each other. After that I never had a single nightmare, knowing my husband and friends would always support me and take care of me even when I'm absolutely broken.

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