'tom.' cheryl sighed.

'please, it's all we have left!' lolo begged. 'pull over.' she said. 'you want me to pull over?' the cop raised an eyebrow. 'just pull over.'

'thank you,' the routledge's said in unison.

they watched as the man aimlessly walked around the road, 'looking' for the picture. 'cheryl can we help him look please?' john b said. 'god this idiot,' lolo grimaced, 'look at him, he's barely even looking.'

'it's gonna get trashed, cheryl please!'

'we're begging you.'

lolo hid a smirk as the car door unlocked. cheryl sighed, 'make it quick.'

'yes ma'am. thank you, cheryl.'

the siblings got out of the car and smiled, linking arms and running away, 'later thomas! ha-ha!'

they ran, eventually finding two bikes next to them. 'is that a dementor?' lolo squinted, pointing behind the boy who owned the bikes. when he looked away, the two grabbed a bike each and quickly hopped on, john b yelling, 'we'll give them back, promise!'

'you better! come on dude..'

'ah shit,' lolo groaned as she watched john b go over a ramp, sending him over a fence. she quickly followed, screeching as she landed.

suddenly, the two were led on the floor moaning in pain. they had biked into a chain which sent them flying off of their bikes to the ground.

'dude! did you guys just yeet over that chain?' a blonde girl ran over to them, also known as sarah cameron. 'holy shit, your shirt,' she looked down to john b.

lolo let out a loud groan as she sat up, lifting her bloody elbow up to make sure it wasn't really bad. 'woah,' her eyes widened as she saw the cut on john b's side. 'thats not ideal,' he winced. the blonde girl now lifted his shirt a little to review the gash, 'yeah, that's not good at all.'

'he needs to go to the hospital, right?' lolo said, looking between sarah and john b. 'yeah, definitely,' the blonde replied, 'okay, well you have to try get up.'

'god,' he groaned as he stood up with the help of sarah and lolo.

'you okay?' john b asked as the three got into sarah's car. 'yeah, just a little scratch on my elbow.' lolo said.

'hey, do you see a car, like, like a cop SUV? blue and white? he stuttered, looking over to sarah. 'yes, there is a blue and white cop SUV,' she said.

'great!' lolo scoffed sarcastically, 'is there a guy with no neck in it?'

'yes. and theres a woman with him.'

'are you guys like fugitives?' sarah questioned as they drove.

'close enough,' lolo shrugged.
'hey you know what? don't take me to the hospital. just take a left please. gotta do something.' john b said, opening the car door once they stopped to run out and grab the picture he lost from before. 'hit it, sancho. come on, come on.'

'okay, okay!' sarah squeaked.


lolo gulped as the three entered sarah's house, fearing she may encounter rafe cameron. god, just thinking about him made her angry.

they jumped as the sound of ward cameron's voice was heard once they entered, sarah quickly pushing the routledge's into a room.

'hey!' sarah greeted sweetly.

'what are you doing?'

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